Descendants of George & Janet BELLFirst Generation
1. George Coleman BELL, son of Walter C. BELL and Clara GRACE, was born in 1758 in , , , Ireland1 and died in 1830 in , , , Ireland1 at age 72.
George married Janet THOMAS. Janet was born in 1758 in , , , Ireland1 and died in 1832 in , , , Ireland1 at age 74.
Children from this marriage were: + 2 i. George Walter BELL was born in 1778 in Emyvale, Monaghan, Ulster, Ireland2 and died about 1831 in , , , Canada2 about age 53.
3 ii. Adda BELL was born in 1781,1 died in 18341 at age 53, and was buried in Emyvale, Monaghan, Ulster, Ireland.
4 iii. Robert BELL was born in 17851 and died in 1841 in , , , Canada1 at age 56.
5 iv. Virginia BELL was born in 1789 in , , , Ireland1 and died in 1847 in , , , USA at age 58.
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