Descendants of Hugh & Nicholina STEELE
Sixth Generation
138. James Elmer GREGG (James Elmer GREGG103, Mary Jane McKEE56, Nancy McAFEE18, Mary STEELE5, Hugh1)
James married Kathleen Margaret "Kay" SAWDON, daughter of Herbert H. SAWDON and Mary ELLISON. Kay was born on December 5, 1925 in Schomburg, York Co, Ontario, Canada,37 died on May 28, 1991 in Inverhuron, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada37 aged 65, and was buried in Douglas Hill Cemetery Eden Grove, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada. She was usually called Kay.
Children from this marriage were:
156 F i. Mary GREGG was born on May 20, 1963 in Willowdale, York Co, Ontario, Canada, died on May 21, 1963 in Willowdale, York Co, Ontario, Canada, and was buried in Woodbridge, York Co, Ontario, Canada.
157 F ii. Dianne GREGG was born on August 18, 1964 in Willowdale, York Co, Ontario, Canada, died in 1964, and was buried in Woodbridge, York Co, Ontario, Canada.
158 F iii. Living GREGG
143. Marguerite Isabel HOWE (Christina Isabella HOUSTON109, Theresa Victoria McAFEE66, Hugh McAFEE21, Mary STEELE5, Hugh1)
Marguerite married Alvin HEMSTOCK.
Children from this marriage were:
159 M i. Stephen HEMSTOCK
160 M ii. Mark Edward HEMSTOCK
161 F iii. Judy HEMSTOCK
144. Dorothy Eleanor HOWE (Christina Isabella HOUSTON109, Theresa Victoria McAFEE66, Hugh McAFEE21, Mary STEELE5, Hugh1)
Dorothy married James NEEDHAM.
Children from this marriage were:
162 M i. James Eric Larry NEEDHAM
163 F ii. Janice Christina NEEDHAM
145. Douglas Thomas Wesley HOWE (Christina Isabella HOUSTON109, Theresa Victoria McAFEE66, Hugh McAFEE21, Mary STEELE5, Hugh1)
Douglas married Louise DYKE.
Children from this marriage were:
164 M i. Derek Allan HOWE
165 F ii. Emily Susanne HOWE
146. Mary Christine HOWE (Christina Isabella HOUSTON109, Theresa Victoria McAFEE66, Hugh McAFEE21, Mary STEELE5, Hugh1)
Mary married William ARMBRUST.
Children from this marriage were:
166 F i. Shawn Douglas ARMBRUST
167 F ii. Grace Kirstin ARMBRUST
155. Dorne Charles FITZSIMMONS (Hugh John FITZSIMMONS117, Phoebe Isabella McAFEE74, Hugh McAFEE21, Mary STEELE5, Hugh1)
Dorne married Betty Louise DRYDEN, daughter of Norman McBeath DRYDEN and Elma Margaret DANIEL.
Children from this marriage were:
168 M i. Robert James Dryden FITZSIMMONS
169 F ii. Amy Elizabeth FITZSIMMONS