Descendants of John & Mary Ann RICHARDSON
Sixth Generation
184. Bradford ARCHER (Hazel Margaret WATSON100, Thomas "Harrison" WATSON46, James Thomas WATSON21, Jane RICHARDSON7, John1)
Bradford married Christine (__?__).
Children from this marriage were:
223 F i. Jennifer ARCHER
224 F ii. Kayleigh ARCHER
185. Donald K. ARCHER (Hazel Margaret WATSON100, Thomas "Harrison" WATSON46, James Thomas WATSON21, Jane RICHARDSON7, John1)
Donald married Anne (__?__).
The child from this marriage was:
225 F i. Jessie ARCHER
186. Joella ARCHER (Hazel Margaret WATSON100, Thomas "Harrison" WATSON46, James Thomas WATSON21, Jane RICHARDSON7, John1)
Joella married Thomas DECARPIO.
Children from this marriage were:
226 M i. Michael DECARPIO
Michael married Pam (__?__).
227 M ii. Thomas DECARPIO
Thomas married Marcie (__?__).
187. Leanne ARCHER (Hazel Margaret WATSON100, Thomas "Harrison" WATSON46, James Thomas WATSON21, Jane RICHARDSON7, John1)
Leanne married David EISLER.
Children from this marriage were:
228 M i. Michael EISLER
229 M ii. Kevin EISLER
230 F iii. Kelli EISLER
188. Jeffrey ARCHER (Hazel Margaret WATSON100, Thomas "Harrison" WATSON46, James Thomas WATSON21, Jane RICHARDSON7, John1)
Jeffrey married Nancy (__?__).
Children from this marriage were:
231 F i. Debra ARCHER
232 F ii. Amy ARCHER
233 M iii. Daniel ARCHER
189. Mary Pauline WATSON (Charles Thomas WATSON101, Thomas "Harrison" WATSON46, James Thomas WATSON21, Jane RICHARDSON7, John1)
Mary married Charles Earl ROSS, son of Clyde Earl ROSS and Adelaide WHITE, ____________.22
Children from this marriage were:
234 F i. Kelly Elaine ROSS
Kelly married John T. SALZMAN ____________.22
235 M ii. Charles Earl ROSS
190. Susan Elaine WATSON (Charles Thomas WATSON101, Thomas "Harrison" WATSON46, James Thomas WATSON21, Jane RICHARDSON7, John1)
Susan married Ivan Leo ESTES, son of Ivan Leo ESTES and Linnie Amanda SMITH, ____________.22
Susan next married Michael Eric HILL, son of Robert Leonard HILL and Virginia Anne FREUND, ____________.22
Children from this marriage were:
236 F i. Susan Elaine HILL
237 M ii. Brian Alan HILL
191. Charles Thomas WATSON (Charles Thomas WATSON101, Thomas "Harrison" WATSON46, James Thomas WATSON21, Jane RICHARDSON7, John1) was born on January 20, 1948 in , Bexar, Texas, USA22 and died on September 17, 2008 in Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas, USA22 aged 60.
Charles married Linda Patricia RICHARDS on July 20, 1973 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USA.22 Linda was born on January 22, 1951 in Texas City, Galveston, Texas, United States and died on July 20, 1976 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USA22 aged 25.
The child from this marriage was:
238 M i. Aaron Andrew WATSON
202. Robert Jeffrey IRWIN (Robert Darrell IRWIN133, Robert Wallace IRWIN76, William IRWIN38, Hanna RICHARDSON9, John1)
Robert married Kyla (__?__).
The child from this marriage was:
239 M i. William Robert IRWIN