Descendants of John and Isobelle McKINNON
Fifth Generation
31. Donna Marie TANNER (Iona ACTON21, Jessie Isabell McKINNON10, Malcolm2, John1)
Donna married Peter McGARRITY. ____________.10
Children from this marriage were:
36 M i. Justin McGARRITY
37 F ii. Tawnya McGARRITY was born on April 20, 1892.10
32. Wayne Edward TANNER (Iona ACTON21, Jessie Isabell McKINNON10, Malcolm2, John1)
Wayne married Susan WILLIAMS. ____________.10
The child from this marriage was:
38 M i. Devin Gordon William TANNER
33. Vicki Lynn TANNER (Iona ACTON21, Jessie Isabell McKINNON10, Malcolm2, John1)
Vicki married Rick LAFLUER. ____________.10
Children from this marriage were:
39 F i. Stephanie LAFLUER
40 M ii. Matthew LAFLUER
41 M iii. Aaron LAFLUER
42 M iv. Adam LAFLUER