Descendants of John & Mary McKELVIE
Third Generation 
11. Eliza Jane "Jennie" McKELVIE (William5, John1) was born on April 8, 1864 in Arran Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1 and died in 1943 in Detroit, Wayne Co, Michigan, USA1 aged 79. She was usually called Jennie.
Jennie married William SERGISON, son of William SERGISON and Margaret Corry ADAMSON. William was born in 1860 in , , Ontario, Canada.7
• He worked as a blacksmith in 1881 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada. 7
• William relocated to work as an autoworker, Detroit, Wayne Co, Michigan, USA in 1901.
• He resided at 344 Trumbull Ave in Detroit, Wayne Co, Michigan, USA in 1920.
The child from this marriage was:
17 F i. Elizabeth SERGISON was born in 1885 in Arran Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada8 and died in 1937 in Detroit, Wayne Co, Michigan, USA1 aged 52.
Elizabeth married Henry DUNCAN, son of Robert DUNCAN and Christina (__?__), on August 7, 1905 in , Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada 4.,8 Henry was born in 1882 in , , , Scotland.8
• He emigrated to Detroit in 1901 from , , Ontario, Canada.
• He worked as a Telephone Lineman in 1905 in London, Middlesex Co, Ontario, Canada.
• Henry resided at 344 Trumbull Ave in Detroit, Wayne Co, Michigan, USA in 1920.
12. Alice McKELVIE (William5, John1) was born on June 25, 1866 in Arran Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1 and died on June 25, 1942 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada aged 76.
Alice married George Henderson FLOOD, son of William FLOOD and Catherine "Katie" HENDERSON, on January 22, 1890 in Burgoyne, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada 1.,4 George was born on March 8, 1867 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1 and died on May 4, 1939 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada aged 72.
Marriage Notes: AN INTERESTING WEDDING" The Chesley Enterprise, Jan. 30, 1890
"Our Williscroft correspondent sent in an account of a wedding which took place a few days ago on the Elderslie - Arran town line. It was a marriage contracted under difficulties, and it is hoped that all's well that ends well.
The parties involved were George Flood of Paisley and a Miss McKelvie of Arran. Flood is a very young man to undertake such serious work and his father quite naturally, objected to marriage taking place. However, preparations for the wedding went serenely on. The day arrived, the invited guests in large numbers put in an appearance, and the minister, Rev. Mr. Sherlock, of Arkwright, was just on the point of beginning the last act in the drama when the young man's irate father unceremoniously introduced himself and endeavoured to arrest further proceedings. He advised the young man to go home, promising in case he did so to send him to college. Failing in this, he proceeded to scare the minister, which he most effectively did. He then left and Mr. Sherlock did likewise. But a conveyance was procured, the young couple were driven to Burgoyne and the Baptist minister of that place was induced to tie the knot. They then returned to the residence of the bride's father, which they reached about 11 P.M. The guests were still on deck and it is needless to add, did ample justice to the excellent repast which had been provided. Here the curtain drops." 1
• George resided at 3 Duke Street in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada in 1911. 1
Children from this marriage were:
+ 18 F i. Katherine FLOOD was born on December 11, 1890 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada,1 died on November 16, 1963 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1 aged 72, and was buried in Meaford Lakeview Cemetery, , Ontario, Canada.
19 F ii. Elizabeth Jane FLOOD was born on October 5, 1892 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1 and died on May 9, 1914 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1 aged 21.
20 M iii. William Alfred FLOOD was born on February 24, 1895 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1 and died on November 10, 1976 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada1 aged 81.
William married Vera Amy DYMOND. Vera was born in 19041 and died in November 1984 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada1 aged 80.
21 M iv. George Wesley FLOOD was born on July 4, 1897 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1 and died on December 11, 1921 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada1 aged 24.
22 M v. Stuart Robert FLOOD was born on October 28, 1899 in Elderslie Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1,4 and died on January 10, 1980 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada1 aged 80.
• He worked as a hardware clerk and lived at 26 Eagle St. In 1923 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada.
Stuart married Margaret Gertrude MAHER, daughter of James MAHER and Mary GARVEY, in September 1923 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada.1 Margaret was born in 1896 and died in February 1938 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada1 aged 42.
Stuart next married Elizabeth Daisy HORWOOD.
+ 23 M vi. Clarence Edward FLOOD was born on February 18, 1902 in Elderslie Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada,1,4 died on October 17, 1978 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada1 aged 76, and was buried in Brantford Mt. Hope Cemetery, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 24 M vii. Sterling Henry "Harry" FLOOD was born on July 4, 1904 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1 and died on March 16, 1979 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada1 aged 74.
25 F viii. Mary Irene FLOOD was born on April 26, 1908 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1 and died in Windsor, Essex Co, Ontario, Canada.1
Mary married Stanley Charles GRAGG, son of Wesland GRAGG and Mary Agnes JONES, in November 1925 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada.1 Stanley was born on June 26, 1901 in Chatham, Kent Co, Ontario, Canada.1
+ 26 M ix. Harold Lawson FLOOD was born on June 17, 1912 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1 and died on October 24, 1984 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada1 aged 72.
+ 27 M x. Harvey Emerson FLOOD was born on June 17, 1912 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada1 and died on October 9, 1977 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada1 aged 65.
13. Robert James McKELVIE (William5, John1) was born in 1869 in Arran Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.6
Robert married Jane Louise KIRKLAND, daughter of Robert KIRKLAND and Elizabeth Jane GRANT, on June 20, 1900 in Arran Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.6 Jane was born in 1874 in Dummer Twp, Peterborough Co, Ontario, Canada.6
• Marriage witnessed by William D. McKelvey and Aggie Kirkland both of Arran Twp. 6
Children from this marriage were:
28 F i. Mary Elizabeth McKELVIE was born on December 14, 1905 in Elderslie Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.4
Mary married Albert WOLFE on September 7, 1927. Albert was born in Tara, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada and died on October 18, 1971.
29 M ii. Son McKELVIE was born on June 12, 1909 in Elderslie Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.4
30 M iii. Edwin Russell McKELVIE was born on July 29, 1911 in Elderslie Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada4 and died on October 11, 1913 in Elderslie Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada4 aged 2.