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Descendants of John & Suzanna FULFORDSources1 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Cathy Craft, December 22, 2003. 2 Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com - Family Trees, Christopher McCoy family tree by writersilverfyre. 3 Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com - Family Trees, Cook Family History- 5.26.13 by jim77345. 4 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy CRAFT. 5 RootsWeb's World Connect Project, Barbara Lenker, April 2005. 6 Family Records / Research, from Alex Ross by e-mail October 2011. 7 Ontario Marriage Records 1880-1924 (http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maryc/thisisit.htm). 8 1881 Canadian Census (FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, November 11, 2002). 9 Marriages 1858-1880 - Bruce County, Ontario (Transcribed by Jim & Kay Gregg from Microfilms in Archives of Ontario, MS248 - Reel 8 - Huron County). 10 Ancestry.com, Ontario Deaths 1869-1932. 11 Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com - Family Trees, Harrington Family Tree by Eudene123. 12 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 13 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 14 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 15 RootsWeb's World Connect Project, Dan Buchanan, June 2005. 16 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 17 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 18 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 19 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 20 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 21 RootsWeb's World Connect Project, RODGER'S FAMILY FILE2 by Rodger Smith Oct 19, 2009. 22 RootsWeb's World Connect Project, Andrews - Jones - Witt - Rohwer and more Family Tree by Gary D. Andrews, Oct 18, 2008. 23 RootsWeb's World Connect Project, CHATFIELD'S - 1450 to Present thru Immigrant George by Cheryl Thompson, May 3, 2009. 24 1851 Canadian Census. 25 Ontario Marriage Records 1880-1924 (http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maryc/thisisit.htm), Brockville Newspaper, Jan 9, 1851. 26 RootsWeb's World Connect Project, Our Reinheimer Ancestors by Ruth Reinheimer, April 18, 2002. 27 Ancestry.com, Ontario Marriages 1857-1922. 28 1901 Canadian Census (National Archives of Canada, 2000). 29 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 30 Canada, 1911 census of Canada. RG 31. Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Digital images. (n.d.). 31 RootsWeb's World Connect Project, Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 32 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 33 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 34 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 35 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 36 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 37 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 38 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 39 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 40 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 41 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 42 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 43 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 44 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 45 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 46 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 47 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 48 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 49 Family Records / Research, from Jim Buckland by email December 2014. 50 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 51 Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com - Family Trees, Richardson Family Tree by odie400. 52 1861Canadian Census. 53 Federal Census of 1871 (Ontario Index) (http://www.collectionscanada.ca/02/020108_e.html). 54 Ancestry.com, 1900 US Census. 55 Web Site, Family of Sarah Ann Uttley and Robert Cook. 56 Ancestry.ca, 1871 Census of Canada. 57 RootsWeb's World Connect Project, Messecar Family History by Wayne Messecar, Jan 8 2009. 58 Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com - Births. 59 Personal Notes, Patricia Harrington, September 2005. 60 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 61 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 62 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 63 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 64 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 65 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 66 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 67 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 68 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 69 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 70 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 71 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 72 Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com - Family Trees, DOUGLAS/WOOLF Family Tree by Susan Douglas2424. 73 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 74 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 75 RootsWeb's World Connect Project, Dan Bucanan, June 2005. 76 Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com - Family Trees, Abernethy Family Tree by TyphanyC. 77 Ancestry.com, Ontario Deaths 1869-1932, Web: CanadianHeadstones.com Index. 78 Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com - Family Trees, Brenda. 79 1880 US Census (FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, November 11, 2002). 80 Personal Notes, Patricia HARRINGTON, November 2005. 81 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 82 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 83 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 84 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 85 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 86 GenCircles - Global tree (GenCircles - Global tree http://www.gencircles.com/globaltree/), Craft Ancestors by Cathy Craft. 87 Ancestry.com, 1910 US Census. 88 Family Records / Research, by Lisa Radue on Genealogy.com. 89 Family Records, Patricia Harrington, April 2006.
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