Descendants of Henry & Flora COLLINSFirst Generation
1. Flora ANTONS was born in 1796 in , , , England.1,2 Another name for Flora was Florence AXTONS.
Events • Residence: 1851, York Twp, York Co, Ontario, Canada. • Residence: the home of her son Henry, 1861, Sarnia Twp, Lambton Co, Ontario, Canada. Flora married Henry COLLINS. Henry was born in 1796 in , , , England1,2 and died before 1861 in , , Ontario, Canada. Events • Occupation: carpenter in Lower Walton, 1841, Milborne Port, , Somerset, England. • emigrated: 1842, , , , England. • Occupation: shingle maker, 1851, York Twp, York Co, Ontario, Canada.
Children from this marriage were: 2 F i. Elizabeth COLLINS was born in 1826 in , , Somerset, England.
+ 3 M ii. Henry COLLINS was born on December 13, 1828 in , , Somerset, England,3 died on May 27, 1908 in Chatsworth, Grey Co, Ontario, Canada4,5 aged 79, and was buried in Paisley Cemetery, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 4 M iii. John Antons COLLINS was born on April 10, 1837 in , , Somerset, England,1,6 died on January 24, 1922 in Sullivan Twp, Grey Co, Ontario, Canada6 aged 84, and was buried in Chatsworth, Grey Co, Ontario, Canada.
5 M iv. Thomas H. COLLINS was born in 1838 in , , Somerset, England.1
Events • Residence: 1851, , York County, Ontario, Canada. • Occupation: wagonmaker, 1861, York Twp, York Co, Ontario, Canada. Thomas married Sarah Jane MILLER, daughter of William MILLER and Ann (__?__), on September 29, 1859 in , York County, Ontario, Canada.7 Sarah was born in 1839 in , , Ontario, Canada.7
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