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Fraternities, Clubs, Societies, etc. |
Fraternities |
Erna Rebekah Lodge |
Erna Rebekah Lodge No. 268.was instituted Feb. 24, 1925 sponsored by Ahiram Lodge [.G.O.F. with ten of its members joining the Rebekah Lodge as instructors - C.A. Fraser, E.A. Garland, H.W. Baker, john Parker, Dr. D.D.Campbell, E.D. Elwes, R.G. Grant, J. Ross Laidlaw, Dr. G.H. McKee and D.C. \1cGregor. Forty-four others were initiated the same evening by a degree team from Kincardine Rebekah Lodge. Charter members included, Mrs. Lucy Fraser, Mrs. Mary Elwes, Mrs. Laura Ellis, Mrs. Myrtle Smart, Mrs. Charlotte Jack, Mrs. Sarah Barnett, Mrs. Gladys Garland, Mrs. Pearl Cooper, Mrs. Florence Cavill, Mrs. Minnie Parker, Mrs. Dorothy McKee, and Misses May Grant, Muriel Pickard, Blanche Collins, Hazel Cruickshanks and Inez Bell. At present there are 91 names on the membership roll, six of whom are Ahiram Lodge. There have been seven District Deputy Presidents from Erna Lodge. Mrs. Hazel (E.D.) Elwes, Mrs. [la (Walter) McClure, Mrs. Edna (Oliver) Carlaw, Mrs. Rhoda (Harvey) Grant, Mrs. Alice (Keith) Weeden, Mrs, Margaret Wally) Gregg, Mrs. Margaret (_).S,) Howe, and Mrs. Sadie (Glen) Rowley. Two members were honoured as appointed officers of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. Mrs. Edna Carlaw served a year as Inside Guardian and Mrs. Merle Walter) Spong was pianist in 1966. |
Besides supporting all I.0.0.F. projects such as the Youth Pilgrimage to the U.N., The Eye Bank, A School Scholarship, C.P. & T. and other national charities as Muscular Dystrophy Association, Erna Lodge assisted financially in establishing the local Brownie and Girl Guide troops and Senior Citizens Group, and conducts the Red Shield canvas for the Salvation Army. Rebekah officers include: Noble Grand - Mrs. Bessie (john) Robinson |
Submitted by Glen Rowley Ahiram Lodge No. 205 Paisley was instituted April 26, 1877. The first lodge meetings were held in the upstairs of the old building just north of the arena. At that time it was owned by a Mr. Samuel Steel, later owned by J.S. Nichol where he operated a general store. The same building was operated by Jack Smart as a black smith shop for a number of years followed by Wilfred Dudgeon. The old building was removed from main street in 1970. The first officers of Ahiram Lodge were N.G. A. Sinclair, V.G. E.R. Fraser, R.S. G.E. Chamberlin, Treas. M. McEachern, War. Geo. Wood, Con. J.R. Hunter, O.G. Thos. Jackson, l.G. Wm. Colborne, R.S.N.G. E.F. Black, L.S.N.G. Jas. MacRey, R.S.V.G. Jas McLachlan, L.S.V.G. E.J. Boyle, R.S.S. Jno. Colborne. In 1890 the Lodge Members planned and built the present Lodge Hall. Lodge meetings were held on the second floor and the ground floor was rented to a bank. Next occupant was Harry Pfaff and Sons, who sold boots and shoes, followed by Dave McGregor in the 1920's who sold groceries, boots, and shoes. This terminated the business rentals and since then the downstairs has been used for recreation and social meetings. Ahiram Lodge still retains a shield won in competition for conferring the degrees at a Lodge of Instruction in District No. 11. Gordon Gross, Grand Master ofthe Grand Lodge of Ontario, for 1973-1974 is a member of Ahiram Lodge, since April 25th, 1939 when he joined this Lodge while employed at the Royal Bank of Canada in Paisley. The Independent Order of Oddfellows would like to extend a welcome and greetings to all in this Centennial Year of Paisley. |
Aldworth Lodge dates its beginning as of May 1, 1870. The charter was granted by Grand Lodge on July 14, 1870, and signed by Most Worshipful Brother Alexander Allan Stevenson, Grand Master, and Right Worshipful Brother James Seymour, Deputy Grand Master. Aldworth Lodge was named after Lady Aldworth, who was the first and only woman ever to be a mason. The first Worshipful Master was Worshipful Brother George Malloch, who was a direct descendant of Lady Aldworth. The other officers were: R. Dick, Senior Warden; Hugh McLeod, junior Warden; Peter McLaren, Treasurer; George Shearwood, Secretary; W.R. Mackendrick, Senior Deacon; Robert Blackburn, Inner Guard; J. Vance Tyler. There were eight members of the Lodge present when it was constituted. Aldworth Lodge was sponsored by St. Lawrence Lodge No. 131 A.F. and A.M. Southampton. Aldworth Lodge has had three meeting places. The first meeting place was in the Good Templars Hall, north of the bridge on the west side of the street. The next hall was above what is now the Dryden Hardware, and the one in which the Lodge now meets known as the McKinnon Building which was originally a woollen mill. At the regular meeting in July, 1872, it was duly agreed that the Good Ternplars receive $2.00 for use of the hall and fifty cents for fuel. From 1870 to 1915 the Lodge belonged to the Huron district. The district was then formed as it is to-day. The Lodge has had six District Deputy Grand Masters
We have a unique history in Masonry in Aldworth Lodge in the family of Very Worshipful Brother John Cumming who served eighteen months as Worshipful Master since the date of the installation of Officers was changed June to January. He was Right Worshipful Brother Ballachey's District Secretary in 1928-29. The son of Very Worshipful Brother John Cumming, Russell, two years as Worshipful Master and was Right Worshipful Brother George Grant's District Secretary. Worshipful Brother James R. Cumming, son of Very Worshipful Brother Russell Cumming served a second term as Worshipful in the Lodge's Centennial year 1970, and is District Secretary for Right Worshipful Brother Lorne B. Evans. Very Worshipful Brother Cecil McDonald received the appointment of Grand Steward in 1970. He also received his 50-year lapel button. We are happy that an increasing number of our brethren have received their 50-year buttons in recent years. These are:
Right Worshipful Brother Deight Potts is the oldest living Past Master, being Worshipful Master in 1928 and District Deputy in 1940-41. There have been a number of father and son combinations. Among the recent ones are: Very Worshipful Brother john Cumming, his sons Worshipful Brother Elgin Cumming, Very Worshipful Brother Russell Cumming and Brother Rodger Cumming; his grandsons, Worshipful Brother Alvin Cumming, Wor. Bro. James Cumming, Bro. Elroy Cumming, and Bro. Jack Cumming. Right Worshipful Brother Lorne B. Evans and his sons, Brothers Keith, Orville, and Harvey Evans. Aldworth Lodge was well represented in both World Wars, some brethren paying the supreme sacrifice. May we, as Masonic Brethren, strive to live up to the high ideals they believed in of a better world. |
Service Clubs |
Paisley Rotary Club
Speakers that evening forecast that the club would play, in the future, a rich part in the life of the village. This prophecy has been fulfilled as evidenced by the projects undertaken by the club in subsequent years. The charter members of the club at that time were: W.E. Theaker, Wm. Tanner, O.R. Seiler, L. Tanner, Alex. Keith, T.R. McLennan, G.B. Irwin, O.R. Burns, J. Sutcliffe, Dr. ].H. Grove, Dr. D.D. Campbell, F.H. Pickard, ].A. Logie, I. Shoemaker, J. J. McMillan, Ross McKenzie, A.E. Archer, S.F. Ballachey, W.J. Hodgins, James Dewar, Stuart Winch. Only with the support and co-operation of the citizens, has the club been able to carry out the long list of projects which have marked the years of its existence. Crippled children's work has been the primary concern, and the club looks with pride on the fact that it has helped handicapped children to lead normal lives. The club initiated the movement which resulted in the erection of the Memorial Arena, and has contributed to the building fund, the artificial ice fund, and, most recently, to the arena floor fund. During the Second World War cigarettes were sent monthly to the Paisley men in the Services, and generous donations were made to the Milk for Britain Fund. In recent years aid has been given to underdeveloped countries in such ways as providing much-needed agricultural equipment. Annually, the club sponsors a local High School student on the “Adventure in Citizenship” trip to Ottawa, and a boy to attend the “Leaders of Tomorrow” camp at Goderich. Student exchanges between countries are arranged by Rotary. Each Christmas season local children enjoy a Christmas party with the Rotarians and their wives. The Tourist Park, at the Fair Grounds, with modern washrooms, is a project that extends accommodation to many appreciative visitors to Paisley. Assistance was provided to help make possible the flood-lights at the ball park. The Beef Barbecue is another annual activity that attracts patrons from near and far. The Rotary-Anns ably support their husbands to make this event a success. These are some of the ways in which the village has been made to realize that the Rotary motto, “Service Above Self” has a very practical image. The members of the Rotary Club at the present time are: John Fryfogle (pres.), Harvey West (vice-pres.), John Seiler (sec.) Ralph Anderson, Ted Bender, Doug Copper, Norman Dryden, George Grant, Norman Hagedorn, ]oe Hilverda, Bruce McKenzie, John Murdoch, Gerald Patterson, Robert Reeves, Carl Remus, Bruce Sawyer, Paul Snyder, John Vanderplas. |
Submitted by Mrs. Chester Teeple ~ Secretary-Treasurer Paisley W.I. In January 1901, the Paisley Women’s Institute was organized, just four years after the Women’s Institute of Canada was founded. Mrs. Donald McIntyre was the first president, The meetings were held once a month in members’ homes. Quilts were made, and clothing for the needy was dispensed. Remembering its Motto » For Home and Country - the Institute donates food and money to needy organizations, and shares with members and nonmembers short courses, senior training projects and forums. Money-making projects have been: catering to bonspiels and banquets, an annual bake sale bazaar and tea, and Institute displays at the Paisley Fall Fair. The social functions include an annual picnic, a Family Nite in the fall when each member brings a guest to a pot luck supper, and last but not least, the celebration of anniversaries of the founding of the Institute. of these, the sixty-year celebration attracted the largest assemblage of members and former members. Canada’s Centennial in 1967, provided an opportunity for special projects' for the village of Paisley it was the new library, for which the Institute sponsored the lettering arrangement. A new Tweedsmuir Book, Volume II, as a memento of Paisley’s Centennia.l, is the wish of the members of the Paisley Women’s Institute. |
![]() First President, Mrs, Donald Mcintyre |
![]() 60th Anniversary of the organization of the Paisley Women's Institute |
Paisley Horticultural Society Submitted by M.E. Boyle The Paisley Horticultural Society was organized in 1922 principally by the efforts of Wm. McKenzie who interviewed people who were interested in flowers with the view of forming a society in the village. All that remains of the foundry is the original smoke stack, now a barbcue in picturesque Willow Creek Park a favourite picnic spot. |
Junior Farmers & Junior Institute Short Courses onsored b the Department of Agriculture for the Junior Farmer’s and Junior Institute in the Paisley Town Hall around 1927 or 1928. We don’t have all the names but some you might look for are: Lloyd Hopper, Roy Teeple, Arthur Webb, Hugh Bell, Wilfred Thompson, Chambers McKinnon, Jessie Wilkins, Chris Thornburn, Margaret Bluhm, Eddie Howe, Dave Sommerville, Lewis Wrightson, Bill While, Jim Hay, Walter Hopper, George Oltsher, Ernie Porter, Jim Dryden, Rodger Cumming, Harold McKay, Loretta Cumming, Keith Riddell, Lawrence Tanner, Stewart Bryce, Harold Nelson, Jean Grant, Janet Mclntyre, Fred Hagedorn. |
Canadian Girls in Training
Cards & Checkers
"The Chips are Down" |
![]() The Checker Club L to R; Percy Worthington, Victor Tanner, "Bun" Forbes, Russell Grant, Teddy Ellis, Jack Thompson, Frank Thomas, Bill Hopper Center; Bill McDonald Front; George Grant, Oliver Seiler, John Vanderplas |
Stark Vale Cemetery |
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