Descendants of Kenneth McLENNAN & Winanah McRAE

Kenneth and Winanah left Ross Shire, Scotland, in 1832 with six children and firat settled in Prince Edward Island. In 1852, with four more children the family relocated to Bruce County, in Upper Canada. Here they settled on Lot 30, Concession 12, Kincardine Township.
Apparently the family arrived at Inverhuron in the fall where the ship had to drop anchor some distance from shore and the women and children were carried to land by the men. John, the eldest son, unfortunately developed pneumonia and died six weeks later.

Table of Contents

bullet  Descendants of Kenneth McLENNAN
bullet  Surname List
bullet  Index of Names
bullet  Sources (Bibliography)

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Please note: The majority of the data has been compiled from many different sources on the internet and the information is only as good as what has been input. Information is corroborated where possible.

Latest Revision December 30, 2013

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Deep Roots and Tall Trees
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