Descendants of George BANNERMAN & Christina SUTHERLAND

The early 1800's were sad times in the Highlands of Scotland. Cottars and crofters were being driven from their small holdings by the Duchess of Sutherland and others, to make way for large sheep farms. The "Highland clearances" have left a stain on the escutcheons of more than one nobleman. Lord Selkirk, whose estates were in the south of Scotland, and who had no special connection with the Celts, nevertheless took pity on the helpless Highland exiles. Ships were prepared, and approx. 270 highland colonists sent out between 1811 and 1815.
The names of these settlers were those well known amongst us, as Sutherland, McKay, McLeod, McPherson, Matheson, Macdonald, Livingstone, Polson, McBeath, Bannerman and Gunn.
George Bannerman left Scotland aboard the Prince of Wales disembarking at York Factory on August 18, 1813.


The Red River Settlement circa 1848 by Paul Kane


Table of Contents

  Descendants of George BANNERMAN
  Surname List
  Index of Names
  Sources (Bibliography)

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Please note: The majority of the data has been compiled from many different sources on the internet and the information is only as good as what has been input. Information is corroborated where possible.

Latest Revision May 1, 2014

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