Descendants of Samuel NELSON & Isabella McKINLEY


1 , Nathan Dawthorne Family Tree - Oct. 27, 2008.

2, " - Family Trees", HOWE / BRANNICK / VENNARD.

3, Ontario Deaths 1869-1932.

4 1851 Canadian Census.

5, - Census Records, McTavish Taylor Family Tree by Heather McTavish Taylor.

6 Canada, 1911 census of Canada. RG 31. Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Digital images. (n.d.), Dixon / Nelson / Taugher / Raeburn Family Tree.

7, " - Family Trees", Reaburn Family Tree by Ken Raeburn.

8 (Compiled by The Bruce Twp. Historical Society in1983), Nelson Family.

9 (Compiled by The Bruce Twp. Historical Society in1983), Howe Family.

10 1881 Canadian Census (FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, November 11, 2002).

11, " - Family Trees", Dixon / Nelson / Taugher / Raeburn Family Tree.

12, Ontario Marriages 1857-1922.

13 (Transcribed by Jim & Kay Gregg from Microfilms in Archives of Ontario, MS248 - Reel 8 - Huron County).

14 1901 Canadian Census (National Archives of Canada, 2000).

15 (as compiled by the Arran Township Historical Society), Fenton Family.

16 , Kenneth Hill and Sarah Bulpit Hill Genealogy - January 1, 2008.

17 Canada, 1911 census of Canada. RG 31. Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Digital images. (n.d.).

18 (Originally Recorded by Barbara Adolph, July 27, 1971. Recorded and indexed October 1986 by Jim & Kay Gregg).

19, " - Family Trees", Pieretti Family Tree by Alcide Charles Pieretti, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.

20 (Compiled by Cathy Pineau May 2004;

21 (Compiled by The Bruce Twp. Historical Society in1983).

22 (Transcribed by Hida Downey; Indexed by Jim & Kay Gregg).

23 (GenCircles - Global tree, Lisa (Mewhinney) Houston.

24, " - Family Trees", ANelson Family Tree by milcar177.

25 Family Records / Research, Chips From the UNDERWOOD TREE by Audrey L. Underwood, 1988.

26 (LDS Online).

27, " - Family Trees", Dobson - Dwyer.

28 , Bob Sterne, Oct 2002.

29, - Births.

30 , Birth Certificate from Mickry Majury Nov, 2006.

31 , From Mickry Majury Nov, 2006.

32 , McKane and Lyons Genealogy by James A. McKane - Nov. 23, 2008.

33 (

34 (BDM's transcribed and Indexed by Jim & Kay Gregg).

35 Beatrice Dalgarno Black, The Early History of Eden Grove and Vicinity (Published in 1991).

36 (Published by J. W. Booklidge. Republished by The Bruce Branch, Ontario Genelogical Society).

37 Jean McGillivray- Gowanlock & Mary McGillivray-Watson, Newspaper Obituaries.

38, " - Family Trees", McTavish Taylor Family Tree by Heather McTavish Taylor.

39 , Lovat Cemetery, BCGS Dec 2004.

40 (Compiled by The Bruce Twp. Historical Society in1983), Ribey Family.

41 (Compiled by Saugeen History Hunters), Cassidy/Nelson Family.

42, " - Family Trees", SaugeenHistory.

43 Family Records / Research, from Jay HOUSTON by email February 2016.

44 , Elizabeth ARCHER, October 2005.

45 , Mariage Certificate from Mickry Majury Nov, 2006.

46 , From Mary Lou Majury Nov, 2006.

47, - Census Records, 1920 US Census, Minnesota.

48, - Census Records, 1930 US Census, Minnesota.

49 (LDS on Line).

50 (as compiled by the Arran Township Historical Society), Fenton Fanily.

51 1930 US Census.

52, 1920 US Census.

53 , Cameron Funeral Homes Wlakerton & Chesley.

54 (Compiled by Saugeen History Hunters), Wm McClinton Family.

55 , Robert Hammond, Nov. 2003.

56 , Ancestors of William Churchman by William, May 13, 2008.

57 Family Records / Research, from Julia Nelson by email.

58 (Compiled by The Bruce Twp. Historical Society in1983), Allan McLean Family.

59 , //

60 1901 Canadian Census (National Archives of Canada, 2000), Saugeen Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario.

61 Jean McGillivray- Gowanlock & Mary McGillivray-Watson.

62 Compiled & Edited by: Lois Gowanlock-Bradley, Gowanlock Family Tree 1722-1999 (Compiled & Edited by: Lois Gowanlock-Bradley contact

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