Descendants of John and Martha McAFEE
Fifth Generation 
77. James Elmer GREGG (Mary Jane McKEE26, Nancy McAFEE11, John6, John1) was born on August 20, 1894 in Brant Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada, died on October 24, 1924 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 30, and was buried in Douglas Hill Cemetery Eden Grove, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
"Death Summons Elmer Gregg" Newspaper Obituary
Mr. James Elmer Gregg, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Amsey Gregg of Cargill, passed away at the Christie St. Military Hospital, Toronto, on Friday of last week, at the early age of 30 years and 2 months. Elmer, who was well known in Walkerton, where he was two years ago assistant at the garage of the Dominion Well Supply Co. here, was born on a farm north of Eden Grove. Holding an important position in a general store in Arthur, where the remuneration was attractive, when the great European war broke out, he promptly answered the urgent call of the King and country, going over with the 71st Batt. He was shortly afterwards attached and went to France with the famous 42nd Highlanders, where he took part in some fine engagements with the enemy, notably the first battle of the Somme, where of his entire battalion only 200 survived to answer the roll call. Though he was spared, yet the enemy poured lead into his head and shoulders, and a piece of shrapnel penetrated and lodged in his spine, which he carried with him to the grave. Not only did he inhale poisonous gas, but ate berries unconsciously which had been infected by the fumes in the air. This caused a disorder of the stomach, which became more acute as time went on, and eventually developed to such a stage that six months ago he entered the Military Hospital, where the end came prematurely to one with an excellent war record in the prime of manhood. It will thus be seen that his death can be attributed indirectly, like that of so many of his comrades, to his devotion to the land he loved, the flag of which he assisted in keeping unsullied and untarnished through the horrors of war. Though somewhat reserved in manner, he was nevertheless popular, and a wide circle of friends now grieve his passing. Scarcely two years ago he was married to Miss Ida Roumey of Pinkerton, who survives him, also his parents, one brother, John, and a sister, Ruby, at home. The funeral, which took place from his parents' home in Cargill on Monday afternoon to Douglas Hill cemetery, was a particularly large and impressive one. Seldom has such a tribute of respect been paid to a departed friend as that accorded to the subject of this sketch at the last sad rites at the house and grave. The floral offerings included many tributes from patients in the institution, who for months saw the life of a comrade-in-arms slowly ebb away. The service was in charge of Rev. Mr. Lee of Pinkerton, while the burial was under the auspices of the Masonic Order, and brought together members from all the surrounding towns. The following brethren officiated as pallbearers: Messers. John Keyes, Harold Young, Walter Chisholm, Roy Brown, John Garland and William Telford.
• James farmed on Lot 7, Con 13, Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada
James married Ida May ROUMEY, daughter of Joseph ROUMEY and Mary Jane REID, on January 24, 1923 in Pinkerton, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.12 Ida was born on May 20, 1896 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada,33 died on June 29, 1988 in Walkerton, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 92, and was buried in Douglas Hill Cemetery Eden Grove, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Ida was RUMIG.
• Marriage Ceremony conducted by Rev. W.M. Lee of Pinkerton, witnessed by John W. Gregg of Cargill and Margaret S. McRae of Port Elgin.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 101 M i. James Elmer GREGG
78. Hazel CASWELL (Alvina Eveline McKEE31, Nancy McAFEE11, John6, John1)
Hazel married (__?__) CARLETON.
The child from this marriage was:
102 F i. Robin CARLETON
81. Christina Isabella HOUSTON (Theresa Victoria McAFEE36, Hugh14, John6, John1) was born on December 2, 1906 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada, died on June 10, 2002 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 95, and was buried in Sanctuary Park Port Elgin, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
Christina married Nelson Clarence HOWE, son of Jacob Wesley HOWE 34 and Emma GREAVES, on August 11, 1934.27 Nelson was born on September 16, 1904 in Bruce Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.20
• Nelson farmed on Lot 33, Con 13, Bruce Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada
Children from this marriage were:
+ 103 F i. Marguerite Isabel HOWE
+ 104 F ii. Dorothy Eleanor HOWE
+ 105 M iii. Douglas Thomas Wesley HOWE
+ 106 F iv. Mary Christine HOWE
83. James Harvey HOUSTON (Theresa Victoria McAFEE36, Hugh14, John6, John1) was born on November 29, 1911 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada,27 died on October 30, 1984 in Wingham, Huron Co, Ontario, Canada aged 72, and was buried in Kinloss Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
James married Margaret "Elsie" TAYLOR, daughter of William Edward TAYLOR and Margaret Isabella NAPPER.
Children from this marriage were:
107 M i. Jay HOUSTON
108 M ii. Hugh HOUSTON
109 M iii. Kenneth HOUSTON
110 M iv. Wallace HOUSTON
87. Margaret Merle McGREGOR (Margaret Levina McAFEE38, Hugh14, John6, John1) was born on December 7, 1908 in Grimsby, Lincoln Co, Ontario, Canada.
• Margaret resided at the home of her grandparents Duncan & Kezia McGregor in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada in 1911.
Margaret married Charles Wellington JOHNSTON, son of Charles A. JOHNSTON and Louise A. FRANCIS, on August 16, 1930. Charles was born on April 15, 1903 in , York County, Ontario, Canada.20
Children from this marriage were:
111 F i. Shirley Denise JOHNSTON
112 M ii. Craig JOHNSTON
89. Hugh John FITZSIMMONS (Phoebe Isabella McAFEE44, Hugh14, John6, John1) was born on October 3, 1925 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada,31 died on May 10, 1996 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada31 aged 70, and was buried in Purdy's Cemetery Greenock Twp. Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
Hugh married Florence Elizabeth McFADYEN, daughter of Duncan Franklin "Frank" McFADYEN and Mary "Maime" Alexandria CARLETON. Florence was born on November 26, 1926 in Bruce Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada,31 died on January 12, 2004 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 77, and was buried in Purdy's Cemetery Greenock Twp. Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 113 M i. Dorne Charles FITZSIMMONS
95. Child SARVIS (Neata Lulu McAFEE62, Thomas L.20, Robert7, John1)
Child married someone.
His child was:
114 F i. Deborah (__?__)