Descendants of Leonard LeBLANC and Marie RITON
Sixth Generation 
19. Pierre-Joseph LEFEBVRE (Michel LEFEBVRE dit LACROIX13, Jean-Baptiste LEFEBVRE dit LACROIX9, Marie Anne LeBLANC dit LABRIE4, Nicholas2, Nicolas1) was born on December 24, 1763 in Cap-de-la-Madeleine, , Québec, Canada and died on April 17, 1789 in Sault Au Recollet, Ile-De-Montreal, Quebec, Canada aged 25.
Pierre-Joseph married Josephte LARRIVÉE dit DELISLE on September 27, 1779 in Montréal, Île-de-Montréal, Québec, Canada. Josephte was born on June 20, 1765 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada and died on September 15, 1853 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada aged 88.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 20 i. Pierre LEFEBVRE dit LACROIX was born on May 18, 1795 in , , Québec, Canada.1