Descendants of Leonard LeBLANC and Marie RITONFirst Generation
1. Nicolas LeBLANC dit LABRIE was born about 1610 in Paris, , , France and died on February 23, 1660 in Cap-de-la-Madeleine, , Québec, Canada aged about 50.
Nicolas married Perrette CHESNART on December 31, 1637 in , , , France. Perrette was born about 1610 in Paris, , , France and died on November 2, 1664 in Chennevières-sur-Marne, , , France aged about 54.
The child from this marriage was: + 2 i. Nicholas LeBLANC dit LABRIE was born in 1637 in Paris, , , France and died on February 17, 1689 in Champlain Cap De La Madeleine, St Maurice, Québec, Canada aged 52.
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