Descendants of William & Christian GOWANLOCK


1 <i>Roots & Branches of Saugeen 1854-1954</i> (Compiled by Saugeen History Hunters), Gowanlock Family.

2 <i>Paisley Advocate</i> (BDM's transcribed and Indexed by Jim & Kay Gregg).

3 Compiled & Edited by: Lois Gowanlock-Bradley, <i>Gowanlock Family Tree 1722-1999</i> (Compiled & Edited by: Lois Gowanlock-Bradley contact

4 <i>RootsWeb's World Connect Project</i>, John Geddes, Feb 2004.

5, <i>Ontario Deaths 1869-1932</i>.

6 <i>Marriages 1858-1880 - Bruce County, Ontario</i> (Transcribed by Jim & Kay Gregg from Microfilms in Archives of Ontario, MS248 - Reel 8 - Huron County).

7 1901 Canadian Census (National Archives of Canada, 2000), Bruce North, Ontario.

8, <i>Ontario Marriages 1857-1922</i>.

9 1901 Canadian Census (National Archives of Canada, 2000).

10 <i>RootsWeb's World Connect Project</i>, Farmer-Hastings-Kerr-Laidlaw Family Tree by Peter, March 30, 2010.

11 <i>Ontario Marriage Records 1880-1924</i> (

12 Canada, <i>1911 census of Canada. RG 31. Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Digital images.</i> (n.d.).

13 Family Records / Research, from Neil Dempsey by letter, May 2010.

14 Family Records / Research, From Neil Dempsey by e-mail, April 2010.

15 1861Canadian Census.

16 <i>Bruce Twp. - Births, Deaths & Marriages</i> (Transcribed by Hida Downey; Indexed by Jim & Kay Gregg).

17 Vickie Grant-Abbs, <i>Her Personal Notes</i>.

18 1881 Canadian Census (FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, November 11, 2002).

19 Family Records / Research, Provided by Marilyn J. Clayton by e-mail March 2007.

20 <i>RootsWeb's World Connect Project</i>, Martin Lund, October 2003.

21 1901 Canadian Census (National Archives of Canada, 2000), Elderslie.

22 <i>International Genealogical Index</i> (

23, <i> - Births</i>.

24 1901 Canadian Census (National Archives of Canada, 2000), 48-d4-p4.

25 <i>Starkvale Cemetery, Greenock Twp, Bruce County</i> (Indexed by Jim & Kay Gregg).

26 <i>Manitoba Vital Statistics</i> (

27 <i>RootsWeb's World Connect Project</i>, Garry Johnson, January 2004.

28 Kathy Dryden/ Watt (Personal Records).

29 <i>Paisley Cemetery, Elderslie Twp, Bruce County</i> (Indexed by Jim & Kay Gregg).

30 <i>Reflections of Arran 1852-1982</i> (as compiled by the Arran Township Historical Society), McDermid Family.

31, <i> - Births</i>, Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1909.

32 <i>Newspaper not identified</i>, Kent Milroy, Funeral Notices.

33 <i>Bruce Township Tales & Trails</i> (Compiled by The Bruce Twp. Historical Society in1983), Howe Family.

34 <i>Funeral/Death Notice</i>,

35 <i>Personal Notes</i>, Desc. Chart for Henry BULBECK rec'd from Jean SHAW, November 2005.

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