Descendants of Colonel William GARLAND
Third Generation 
5. Nicholas GARLAND (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born on February 21, 1798 in , Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland2 and died on December 11, 1880 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada aged 82.
• He immigrated from Ireland in 1821 to Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada. 2
• Nicholas farmed on Lot 20, Con 6, Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada, in 1822 2
• Nicholas relocated, in 1828 to Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada. 2
Nicholas married Ann WILLOUGHBY in May 1819.2 Ann was born in 1798 in , Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland2 and died on December 16, 18892 aged 91.
Children from this marriage were:
20 M i. Thomas GARLAND was born on February 6, 1820 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada9 and died on March 30, 1884 aged 64.
• He worked as a school teacher in 1881 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada. 8
21 F ii. Ellen GARLAND was born on December 14, 1822 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 22 M iii. John "Big John" GARLAND was born on December 24, 1824 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada9 and died on January 26, 18909 aged 65.
+ 23 M iv. William James GARLAND was born on December 14, 1826 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,10 died on July 4, 1899 in Brant Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada10,11 aged 72, and was buried in Cargill Anglican Cemetery, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 24 M v. Richard GARLAND was born on December 17, 1828 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada,8 died on May 21, 1900 in Pinkerton, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada11,12 aged 71, and was buried in Cargill Anglican Cemetery, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 25 M vi. Patrick GARLAND was born on December 4, 1830 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada,11 died on October 17, 1898 in , Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada11 aged 67, and was buried in Cargill Anglican Cemetery, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 26 F vii. Mary Jane GARLAND was born on May 2, 1832 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada.9
27 F viii. Matilda GARLAND was born on June 10, 1835 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada.9
28 M ix. James GARLAND was born on December 15, 1839 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada9 and died on December 17, 1884 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada9 aged 45.
29 F x. Anne GARLAND was born on August 8, 1842 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada.9
6. Hester GARLAND (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born in August 1799 in Carlow, Carlow Co, Leinster, Ireland, died in 1858 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 59, and was buried in Cargill, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
Hester married James KEYES, son of (__?__) KEYES and Unknown, in 1822 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada. James was born on April 22, 1786 in Carlow, Carlow Co, Leinster, Ireland, died in May 1868 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 82, and was buried in Cargill, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
James KEYES came to Canada from Carlow, Carlow County, Ireland in the year 1818 and settled in the Township of Beckwith, County of Lanark, Ontario. He was one of the early settlers and had the distinction of erecting the first shingled house in that township. In 1822 he married Hester GARLAND. Hester GARLAND was the eldest daughter of John GARLAND who came from Leighlinbridge, Carlow County, Ireland, this being the same neighborhood from which James KEYES came. He first settled in Derry, Beckwith Township, County of Lanark but later moved to Gouldborne Township, Carleton County, residing near Dwyer Hill. From an old registry book in Leighlinbridge, Ireland it is recorded that John GARLAND frequently held the position of Church Warden. Also that he married Eliner BUTLER, who was descendant from the Duke of Ormond who was beheaded in the reign of Queen Ann. They had fifteen children and left Ireland in 1819, except the two eldest boys who came to Canada at a later date. The names of the family being; Thomas, Patrick, Richard, Nicholas, William, James, Edward, John, Hester, Betty, Margaret, Maria, Anne, Ellen and Matilda. James KEYES came to Bruce County with his family, with the exception of two girls, Mary and Clara, in 1855 and settled on Lot 5, Concession 17, Greenock Township. Hester died in the autumn of 1858 and James in may of 1868. They are both buried in the English Cemetery in Cargill, Ontario. From "The Family of James Keyes & Hester Garland 1818 - 1936" (Author unknown)
• James resided in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada in 1820 . 13
• James farmed on Lot 21, Con 3, Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada, in 1842 13
• He relocated to Lot 5, Con 17, Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada about 1860. 14
Children from this marriage were:
+ 30 F i. Clarissa "Clara" KEYES was born on March 28, 1823 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,5 died on February 23, 1892 in Franktown Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada5 aged 68, and was buried in Franktown Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 31 M ii. Thomas KEYES was born on January 27, 1824 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada and died on November 24, 1895 in St. Catherines, Lincoln Co, Ontario, Canada aged 71.
+ 32 M iii. John KEYES was born on March 24, 1826 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada, died on June 5, 1896 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 70, and was buried in Purdy's Cemetery Greenock Twp. Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 33 M iv. George KEYES was born on March 1, 1827 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,15 died on May 12, 1918 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 91, and was buried in Cargill, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
34 F v. Ellen KEYES was born in 1829 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,16 died on May 8, 1899 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada16 aged 70, and was buried in Cargill, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 35 F vi. Mary KEYES was born on January 10, 1830 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada and died on May 10, 1917 in , , Ontario, Canada aged 87.
+ 36 F vii. Matilda KEYES was born on November 13, 1830 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada17 and died on January 26, 1910 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada17 aged 79.
+ 37 F viii. Margaret KEYES was born on May 8, 1833 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada, died on February 2, 1919 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada12 aged 85, and was buried in Purdy's Cemetery Greenock Twp. Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 38 M ix. James KEYES was born on January 31, 1834 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada, died on November 1, 1903 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 69, and was buried in Cargill, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 39 F x. Elizabeth KEYES was born on March 13, 1839 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,16 died on September 15, 1897 in Chesley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada11,12,16 aged 58, and was buried in Cargill Anglican Cemetery, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 40 F xi. Esther KEYES was born on August 10, 1841 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada18 and died on January 23, 1911 in Manitoulin Island, Ontario aged 69.
+ 41 M xii. William KEYES was born on December 27, 1843 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada and died on March 15, 1906 aged 62.
+ 42 F xiii. Phoebe KEYES was born on December 23, 1844 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada and died on January 14, 1926 in Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, USA aged 81.
7. Thomas GARLAND (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born about 1800 in Coolcullen Mothell Parish, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland,2 died on July 18, 1880 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada aged about 80, and was buried in Ashton Christ Church Anglican Cemetery, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada.
This is a copy of a letter written to Ellen S. Scott by her Uncle Tom Garland. Ellen S. Scott, known to her family as Aunt Nell, was a sister of Matilda (Tillie) Scott Hallowell (Mrs. Peter J.) " North Gower, Ont., Nov. 22, 1912 "My Dear Niece: "In reply to your letter of the 6th, I would say, I am still in the land of the living and happy as if the d - l had me (as the saying goes.) "I haven't been foolish enough to marry yet, but, might sometime or perhaps never. "I am pleased to know you had a good time on your trip last summer and I think you are wise to take a good time, as that is about all we get out of this old world at best. I still sleep in my own house (when I am not traveling) and I take my meals in the hotel here in North Gower. I am not a very tidy housekeeper but there is no person to find fault with me, so I am all right. I think you made a mistake in not coming to Ottawa and vicinity, as we would all have been glad to see you. "Regarding where the Garlands came from, I will give you a short sketch of their history, that I got from my brother John sometime ago, and if it does not tire you, it may perhaps amuse you. "There was a Col. Wm. Garland who was colonel of a company of troopers or cavalry, during the war between the now United States of America and England. He belonged to Gen. Burgoyne's army, that was surrounded in a woods, near Saratoga, N.Y. and taken prisoners by Gen. Gates of the U.S. army. After the war was over Col. Garland went back to England with his General. The next step he took, was to engage with Lord Farnham (as land agent and manager of the Farnham estate) in the Province of Lemster, Ireland. Two sisters went over with him. They lived in dublin and never married. They had private means and were reported wello to do. The Colonel became possessed of quite an estate himself in Wexford Co., Ireland. He had three sons and he was able to settle them all on what they called free hold property. Grandfather (John) was settled in Killkenny Co. and had a good free hold farm and was well to do. "About 1817 the three brothers John, Tom and James started for America. Many of the U. E. Loyalists came to Canada at that time from the U.S. and I think there was a boom here on account of free grants of land, etc. Grandfather (John) came up the St. Lawrence river to between Three Rivers and Berthier, where he remained with his family of fifteen children, eight sons and seven daughters, for sometime (it must have been about a year.) Father (William) was then about ten years old and a French family fancied him, and kept him, after all the rest moved on up to where Ottawa now is built. He stayed there for two years and learned to speak French quite well. Grnadfather was offered the Sparks property (200 acres) for Forty Pounds. One year later Sparks bought it for Sixty Pounds and that is where most of Ottawa is now built. "Tom Garland also came up to the County of Carleton with his family. I remember his wife and some of his family and also himself. "James Garland remained in Newfoundland and connected himself with the fisheries there and his descendants are settled there and in the U.S. Some of them have been over to visit us several times in Goulburn. I remember one of them. He came several times to our house (when I was a boy) and brought us presents of boxes of cigars, etc., but our folks did not fancy them as they smoked pipes and liked them better. "Another one of them got to be Attorney-General of President Cleveland's cabinet etc., and snother was general of the Blackhorse Cavalry of the Southern Army. The building of the Rideau Canal commenced about 1824. Father was then about 19 years old and worked on the canal, where he helped to erect the first store and tavern build in Ottawa, which was built of logs of course. He got along well and got hold of some property on Rideau St. but let it drop out of his hands I suppose, thinking it would never amount to much. "Grandmother's name was Nellie Butler, I remember her well. The Butler family were fine specimens of men, larger even than the Garlands. The Garlands were tall, but not as stout as the Butlers. The Butlers were among the noblemen of their day, and some of them attended court, etc. One of them was a clergyman and preached before the King. The King had promised him a position (through Butler in court) but did not fulfill his promise so Butler took for his text "And The King's chief butler forgot poor Joseph Butler." "This is all I can think of now, but now you can see that Colonel Garland was an Englishman, but, after settling in Ireland and raising his family there we became Irish and were from the counties Wexford and Kilkenny.
Thomas married Mary DRAPER in 1825 in , , Armagh, Northern Ireland.2 Mary was born in 1811.2
The child from this marriage was:
43 U i. Thirteen Children GARLAND
8. Mary GARLAND 3 (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born in 1800 in Coolcullen Mothell Parish, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland1,3 and died in 18191,3 aged 19. The cause of her death was At sea.
Mary married John KIDD, son of Andrew KIDD and Jane KILFOYLE, about 1818 in , , Armagh, Northern Ireland. John was born in 1798 in Kilkenny, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland,1,3 died on February 6, 1851 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada1,3 aged 53, and was buried in Franktown Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
• He immigrated from Ireland in 1818 to , , , Canada. 3
The child from this marriage was:
+ 44 M i. Andrew William KIDD was born on February 20, 1818 in , , Armagh, Northern Ireland,1,3,20 died on December 29, 1893 in Amabel Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada3,20 aged 75, and was buried in Southampton Cemetery, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
9. James GARLAND (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born about 1805 in Coolcullen Mothell Parish, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland.2
• He immigrated from Ireland in 1821 to Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada. 2
• James relocated to Con 34D, Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada in 1828. 2
• James farmed on west half of Lot 20, Con 6, Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada, in 1822 2
James married Joanna LUFTON.
The child from this marriage was:
45 U i. Four Children GARLAND
James next married Eliza PURDY.2
10. Patrick GARLAND (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born in 1807 in Coolcullen Mothell Parish, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland2,4 and died on August 1, 1847 in Ottawa, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada4 aged 40.
Patrick married Dorcas MUTCHMOR, daughter of John MUTCHMOR and Mary Thorton WESTLEY, on July 23, 1835 in Bytown, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada 2.,4 Dorcas was born on February 5, 1812 in Williamstown, Glengarry Co, Ontario, Canada2,4 and died on February 14, 1892 in North Toronto, Ontario, Canada4 aged 80.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 46 M i. John Mutchmor GARLAND was born on May 2, 1836 in Nepean, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada4 and died on June 7, 1906 in Ottawa, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada aged 70.
47 F ii. Mary GARLAND
48 M iii. Edward GARLAND
49 M iv. Nicholas GARLAND
50 M v. Thomas A. GARLAND
11. Margaret GARLAND 3 (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born in 1807 in Coolcullen Mothell Parish, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland,1,3 died on December 25, 1884 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada1,3 aged 77, and was buried in Franktown Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
• She immigrated from Ireland about 1819 to , , , Canada. 3
• Margaret resided at Lot 21P, Con 6 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada in 1851. 3
Margaret married John KIDD, son of Andrew KIDD and Jane KILFOYLE, on July 16, 1826 in Perth, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada. John was born in 1798 in Kilkenny, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland,1,3 died on February 6, 1851 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada1,3 aged 53, and was buried in Franktown Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
• He immigrated from Ireland in 1818 to , , , Canada. 3
Children from this marriage were:
+ 51 M i. Thomas KIDD was born on April 1, 1826 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,3 died on August 26, 1909 in , Renfrew Co, Ontario, Canada3 aged 83, and was buried in 1909 in St. Thomas Anglican Cemetery, Wilberforce Twp., Renfrew Co., Ontario.3
52 M ii. George KIDD was born in 1827 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada and died after 1851. He never married and had no children.
+ 53 M iii. John KIDD was born on June 24, 1829 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada3,21 and died on June 10, 1902 in Fairmede, Assiniboia Dist, TT, Canada3 aged 72.
+ 54 F iv. Elsie KIDD was born about 1831 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.3
55 M v. Wesley KIDD 3 was born on April 30, 1832 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.3
56 M vi. Elias "Eli" KIDD 3 was born on November 15, 1833 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,3 died on May 7, 1893 in Amabel Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada3 aged 59, and was buried in Elsinore, Amabel Twp. Bruce Co. Ontario.3 He was usually called Eli.
• Elias resided in Amabel Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada in 1881 .
Eli married Jeanette McRAE, daughter of John McRAE and UNKNOWN, about 1857. Jeanette was born in 1835 in Franktown Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada3 and died on November 10, 1888 in Elsinore, Amabel Twp. Bruce Co. Ontario17 aged 53.
Eli next married Janet McDIARMID, daughter of John McDIARMID and Grace STEWART, on March 22, 1872 in Malcolm Brant Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.22 Janet was born in 1836 in , , Perthshire, Scotland.22
• Marriage witnessed by John McDIARMID & Isabella McRAE of Brant Twp.
+ 57 M vii. Richard KIDD was born on June 26, 1835 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,3 died on August 20, 1903 in , Renfrew Co, Ontario, Canada3 aged 68, and was buried in Rankin Methodist Cemetery, Wilberforce Twp., Renfrew Co., Ontario.3
+ 58 F viii. Maria KIDD was born on August 8, 1841 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada23 and died on April 29, 1928 in Dow City, Crawford, Iowa, USA23 aged 86.
+ 59 M ix. William Garland KIDD was born on February 1, 1838 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada3 and died on October 27, 1922 in Kingston, Frontenac Co, Ontario, Canada3 aged 84.
60 F x. Jane KIDD 3 was born about 1840 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,3 died on August 2, 1863 in , , Ontario, Canada3 aged about 23, and was buried in Franktown Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.3
Jane married Samuel SIMPSON,3 son of Thomas SIMPSON and Margaret (__?__), on October 9, 1861 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.24 Samuel was born about 1838 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada3 and died about 18623 aged about 24.
61 F xi. Margaret KIDD 3 was born on March 27, 1842 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,3 died in 19283 aged 86, and was buried in North Gower Cemetery, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada.3
Margaret married Ephriam PRATT, son of Issack PRATT and Margaret KENNEDY, on October 7, 1869 in Richmond, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada.24 Ephriam was born in 1839 in Huntley Twp, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada24 and died on April 28, 1876 in Nepean, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada17 aged 37.
• Marriage Ceremony conducted by C. B. Petitt at St. John's Church witnessed by James G. Kidd of Beckwith Twp.
• Ephriam resided at Lot 18, Con 6 in Nepean, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada in 1871.
Margaret next married James A. ROBINSON.3 James was born in 1851,3 died in 19343 aged 83, and was buried in North Gower Cemetery, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada.3
+ 62 F xii. Elizabeth "Eliza" KIDD was born on September 26, 1843 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,3 died on February 6, 19143 aged 70, and was buried in Beckwith Dewar Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.3
+ 63 M xiii. James Garland KIDD was born on April 28, 1845 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,3 died on November 18, 19233 aged 78, and was buried in Franktown Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 64 M xiv. Joseph KIDD was born on May 28, 1847 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,3 died on October 31, 1927 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada3 aged 80, and was buried in Prospect Methhodist Cemetery, Beckwith Twp.
+ 65 M xv. Dr. Edward KIDD was born on October 12, 1849 in Ashton, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada3 and died on August 25, 1924 in Ameliasburg Twp, Prince Edward Co, Ontario, Canada3 aged 74.
Margaret next married Thomas KIDD, son of Thomas KIDD and Mary (__?__), on April 15, 1858 in , Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.24 Thomas was born in 1791 in , , , Ireland and died on August 13, 1867 aged 76.
12. William GARLAND (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born on December 23, 1809 in Coolcullen Mothell Parish, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland,2 died on January 19, 18922 aged 82, and was buried in Elmview Cemetery, Kars, Carleton County, Ontario.2
From Unknown Newspaper: "Edgewood Farm, Marlboro, February 2--It is with sorrow we chronicle the calling away from amongst us of one of our oldest and most respected citizens, Mr. William Garland, whose name was fimiliar to nearly every one in th county of Carleton, passed peacefully away on the 29th January, 1892, in the 83rd year of his age. He was born in Ireland in 1809, came to Canada with his parents when 11 years old. the family consisted of 16 persons, viz. father, mother, eight sons and six daughters; each of the children upon reaching maturity married. twelve settled in the county of Carleton and two in the county of Lanark, where the scriptural injunction as complied with to multiply and replenish the earth. four of the brothers died between the ages of 82 and 84 years. "Mr. Garland chose farming as his vocation. He first settled on a farm in the township of Goulbourn. Not finding the land what he anticipated he moved to the township of North Gower, then being opened up. He secured a farm upon which he lived until 1883. At that time he and his wife feeling old age coming upon them, resolved that the care and exertion of conducting a farm was too much for them. He disposed of it and procured a house in the villiage of North Gower, to use his own words "within the shadow of the church" where he remained eight years when again the feeling overcame him that the care or even the management of a house was too much for them at their advanced age and decided to board. He found a suitable place on the farm known as "Edgewood Dairy farm" in Marlboro adjoining North Gower, owned by John Mccordick, Esq., whose wife was a favorite niece. The old homestead being built of stone, large and airy and surrounded by beautiful evergreens, they hoped to spend their summer months pleasantly, but in that they have been disappointed. Their stay with Mr. Mccordick was most agreeable, and nearly his last words were in acknowledgment of the kindness he had received. Mr. McCordick in conversation, after his death, said, that in his illness he never heard him make a complaint, that his object seemed to be to give as little trouble as possible. "The funeral was conducted from Edgewood Farm on sunday and was tehlargest seen in that locality for a long time upwards of 60 teams formed the cortege. The sad procession was led by rev. robt. Atkinson incumbent, North Gower, to the old stone built church in that village, in the shadow of which he lived for so many ears. During the half mile before reaching the church theold bell tolled forth the solemn warning that a member of this earthly habitation had been called to his heavenly home. Rev. Mr. Atkinson conducted a most impressive service. the choir sang with organ accompaniment several hymns suitable to the occasion. Rev. Mr. Atkinson, under whose charge he has been for some time, preached a most impressive sermon. His words of comfort to the sorrowing friends were such as to give hope for a glorious resurrection. His prayers for the bereaved widow, who had lost one who had been a partner for about three-score years, caused the eyes of strong men to become bedimmed with tears. Service over the peocession re-formed and wneded its solemn way to the old churchyard at Wellinfton in which stands the little white church surrounded by hundreds of white marble monuments each one telling its own story. It may be remarked that the Wellington cemetery or churchyard, as it is called, is strikingly beautiful, sloping back to the west from the high road, displaying its solemn contents to the passers-by, while close on the eastern side flows the Rideau river in its silent meanderings, serene in its peacefulness fearing, as it were, to disturb the quiet dead. "In a grave near the summit they laid him and the Rev. Mr. Atkinson, who travelled these long miles over bad roads, was at this post to perform the last rites of the church, which he did most solemnly, while around the grave for the time it took to offer up his solemn offering of hopeful words every head remained uncovered and silent awe prevailed."
William married Bridgetta MADDEN about 1830. Bridgetta was born on February 2, 1809,2 died on May 29, 1896 aged 87, and was buried in Elmview Cemetery, Kars, Carleton County, Ontario.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 66 F i. Mary Ann GARLAND was born on August 7, 1831 in , , Upper Canada19 and died on March 14, 1895 in Dow City, Crawford, Iowa, USA19 aged 63.
+ 67 F ii. Ellen GARLAND was born on November 26, 1833 in , , Upper Canada25 and died on October 8, 191825 aged 84.
68 M iii. Rev. John William GARLAND was born on May 4, 1836 in Richmond, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada25 and died on December 10, 191025 aged 74.
69 F iv. Elizabeth GARLAND was born on September 9, 1838 in North Gower, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada.25,26
• Elizabeth resided at home of her sister Mary Ann Scott in North Gower, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada in 1861.
70 M v. Nicholas Surrey GARLAND was born on June 8, 1841 in North Gower, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada25 and died on July 28, 1901 in Ottawa, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada25 aged 60.
Nicholas married Katherine Winifred Freer BARBER, daughter of George A. BARBER and Lucinda (__?__), on July 23, 1879 in Toronto, York Co, Ontario, Canada.25 Katherine was born on December 25, 1853.25
71 M vi. Thomas M. GARLAND was born in 1847 in North Gower, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada25 and died on December 12, 191525 aged 68.
Thomas married Martha RUTLEDGE, daughter of John RUTLEDGE and Martha BLEEKS,. Martha was born on September 13, 1857 in North Gower, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada25 and died on November 13, 1910 in North Gower, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada25 aged 53.
+ 72 F vii. Barbara Jane GARLAND was born on August 30, 1851 in North Gower, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada25 and died on June 17, 192925 aged 77.
+ 73 F viii. Catherine GARLAND was born on December 25, 1843 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada25 and died on June 9, 187525 aged 31.
13. Richard GARLAND (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born on November 15, 1810 in Coolcullen Mothell Parish, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland1 and died on February 8, 1896 in Ottawa, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada aged 85.
• He worked as a farmer in 1851 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada.
Richard married Jane GRANT about 1841. Jane was born about 1822 in , , Lower Canada.2,26 Another name for Jane was LEES.
Children from this marriage were:
74 F i. Ellen GARLAND was born in 1842 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada.
75 M ii. John GARLAND was born in 1846 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada.27,28
• John resided at home in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada in 1861.
76 M iii. Nicholas GARLAND was born in 1848 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada.22,28
• Nicholas resided in Carleton Place, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada in 1891 .
Nicholas married Margaret FORD, daughter of Thomas FORD and Margaret GASTON, on May 11, 1872 in Carleton Place, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.22 Margaret was born in 1853 in Drummond Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Ontario.22
77 M iv. James GARLAND was born in 1851 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada.27,28
James married Mary Ann NEAL, daughter of John NEAL and Ann NEAL, on June 13, 1872 in New Edinburgh, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada. Mary was born in 1853 in Carleton Place, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
78 M v. William GARLAND was born on August 18, 1852 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada17,26 and died on September 18, 1933 in Ottawa, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada17 aged 81.
• William resided at St. Patrick's Home in Ottawa, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada from 1928 to 1933.
79 F vi. Catherine GARLAND was born in 1854 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada.26
Catherine married Martin LOFTUS, son of William LOFTUS and Bridget McHALE, on January 21, 1873 in Ottawa, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada.24 Martin was born in 1840 in , County Mayo, Connacht, Ireland.24
80 M vii. Edward GARLAND was born in 1860 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada.26
14. Elizabeth GARLAND (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born about 1811 in Coolcullen Mothell Parish, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland,5 died in 1871 in Montague Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada6 aged about 60, and was buried in Franktown Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
Elizabeth married Thomas KIDD, son of Andrew KIDD and Jane KILFOYLE, on February 2, 1831 in Franktown Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.5 Thomas was born in 1810 in Coan Village, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland,5 died on July 15, 1878 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada5 aged 68, and was buried in Franktown Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 81 F i. Ellen Jane KIDD was born in 1831 in Monteagle Twp, Hastings Co, Ontario, Canada,5 died on December 19, 1906 in Osgoode Twp, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada17 aged 75, and was buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Smith Falls, Ontario.
82 M ii. John KIDD was born on April 4, 1834 in Smiths Falls, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,5 died on November 28, 19055 aged 71, and was buried in St. James Anglican Cemetery, Brooke Twp , Lambton Co, Ont.
+ 83 F iii. Margaret KIDD was born in 1837 in Montague Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.5
84 F iv. Maria KIDD was born in 1838.5
85 F v. Sarah KIDD was born in 1839 in Montague Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.5,24
Sarah married Andrew SPENCE, son of Andrew SPENCE and Isabella (__?__), on July 4, 1861 in , Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.24 Andrew was born in 1838 in , , Ontario, Canada.24
+ 86 F vi. Jane KIDD was born in 1840 in Montague Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.5,24
87 F vii. Elizabeth KIDD was born in 1840.5
88 F viii. Matilda KIDD was born in 1842.5
+ 89 M ix. Thomas "Big Tommy" KIDD was born in 1844,5 died on May 24, 1909 in Smiths Falls, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada5 aged 65, and was buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Smith Falls, Ontario.
90 F x. Ann KIDD was born in 1846.5
91 M xi. Andrew KIDD was born in 1847.5
15. Edward GARLAND (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born on August 27, 1812 in Coolcullen Mothell Parish, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland1 and died on April 16, 1888 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada7 aged 75.
Edward married Mary Ann NEELIN. Mary was born on August 22, 1814 in , , , Ireland7 and died on April 22, 1909 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada7 aged 94.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 92 F i. Eleanor GARLAND was born on June 12, 1837 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada29 and died on January 4, 1917 in Montague Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada7,29 aged 79.
16. John GARLAND (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born on March 28, 1814 in Coolcullen Mothell Parish, Kilkenny, Leinster, Ireland,2,8 died on March 15, 1892 aged 77, and was buried in Franktown Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
• John resided in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada in 1881 . 8
John married Mary Ann WRIGHT. Mary was born in 1821, died on November 25, 1876 aged 55, and was buried in Franktown Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
Children from this marriage were:
93 M i. John James GARLAND was born on May 26, 1845 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada,22 died on April 22, 1886 aged 40, and was buried in Franktown Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
John married Elizabeth Jane FLEMING, daughter of Richard FLEMING and Mary ROSE, on April 17, 1872 in Carleton Place, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.22 Elizabeth was born on May 28, 1847 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,22 died on July 12, 1888 aged 41, and was buried in Franktown Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
• Marriage witnessed by Richard FLEMING and Sarah KIDD both of Beckwith.
94 M ii. Stephen GARLAND was born in 1853 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada.8
Stephen married Mary Ann FEE, daughter of William FEE and Francis (__?__), on March 3, 1880 in Richmond, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada.22 Mary was born in 1856 in Goulbourn Twp, Carleton, Ontario Canada,22 died on July 31, 1880 aged 24, and was buried in Franktown Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
95 F iii. Mary Ann GARLAND was born in 1857 in , , Ontario, Canada.8
96 F iv. Easter Ann GARLAND was born in 1862 in , , Ontario, Canada.8
97 M v. Thomas Butler GARLAND was born in 1864, died on March 17, 1876 aged 12, and was buried in Franktown Cemetery, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.
+ 98 M vi. Absalom GARLAND was born on May 16, 1847 in , , Ontario, Canada30 and died on February 16, 189930 aged 51.
19. Matilda GARLAND (John2, William (Colonel)1) was born on July 28, 1824 in Franktown Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,2,6 died on June 20, 1888 in North Gower, Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada aged 63, and was buried in Elmview Cemetery, Kars, Carleton County, Ontario.
Matilda married George LEACH, son of Samuel LEACH and Jane SAUNDERS, on March 2, 1847 in , , Ontario, Canada.6 George was born on February 1, 1826 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada,6 died on August 11, 1913 in North Gower Twp. Carleton Co, Ontario, Canada aged 87, and was buried in Elmview Cemetery, Kars, Carleton County, Ontario.
The child from this marriage was:
99 U i. Eleven Children LEACH