Descendants of Archibald and Janet EWART
Sixth Generation 
78. Margaret OSWALD (Thomas McGregor OSWALD45, Janet EWART28, Thomas14, Samuel5, Archibald1) was born in 192133 and died in 196333 aged 42.
Margaret married Mervin Elroy SHOULDICE, son of James Stewart SHOULDICE and Ella Isabel BELBECK. Mervin was born in 1916,33 died on June 16, 1994 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada36 aged 78, and was buried in Douglas Hill Cemetery Eden Grove, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 144 F i. Jean SHOULDICE
+ 145 F ii. Mary Elizabeth SHOULDICE
+ 146 F iii. Ann Mildred SHOULDICE
+ 147 F iv. Helen SHOULDICE
79. Dorothy OSWALD (Thomas McGregor OSWALD45, Janet EWART28, Thomas14, Samuel5, Archibald1)
Dorothy married Melvin ORR.
The child from this marriage was:
148 F i. Mary ORR
80. Jean OSWALD (Thomas McGregor OSWALD45, Janet EWART28, Thomas14, Samuel5, Archibald1) was born on March 2, 1921 in Elderslie Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada and died on January 29, 2001 in Chesley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 79.
Jean married Earl Watson SLOAN, son of Robert SLOAN and Sarah Elizabeth WATSON. Earl was born on October 12, 1908 and died in 1969 aged 61.
Children from this marriage were:
149 M i. James SLOAN
150 M ii. Tom SLOAN
151 F iii. Margaret SLOAN
152 F iv. Rita SLOAN
81. Isabel RICHMOND (Sarah Katherine EWART53, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1)
Isabel married Gordon CROWE.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 153 M i. Donald CROWE
+ 154 M ii. Brian CROWE
+ 155 F iii. Anne CROWE
82. Beatrice RICHMOND (Sarah Katherine EWART53, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1) was born in 192323 and died in 199323 aged 70.
Beatrice married James HUNTER.
Children from this marriage were:
156 F i. Catherine HUNTER was born in 195423 and died in 195823 aged 4.
157 F ii. Nancy HUNTER
83. Reta RICHMOND (Sarah Katherine EWART53, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1)
Reta married Stewart ALLEN.
Children from this marriage were:
158 M i. Rae ALLEN
159 F ii. Katherine ALLEN
160 M iii. Greg ALLEN
161 M iv. Bruce ALLEN was born in 195723 and died in 198523 aged 28.
Bruce married (__?__) NIGHTSWANDER.
84. Lynn RICHMOND (Sarah Katherine EWART53, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1) was born in 192723 and died in 1996 aged 69.
Lynn married Audry McMANUS. Audry died in 1996.
Children from this marriage were:
162 M i. Jeffrey RICHMOND
163 F ii. Catherine RICHMOND
85. Ida RICHMOND (Sarah Katherine EWART53, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1)
Ida married William CLARK.
Children from this marriage were:
164 F i. Carolyn CLARK
Carolyn married Paul KARL.
+ 165 F ii. Barbara CLARK
166 M iii. William James CLARK
86. Arlene RICHMOND (Sarah Katherine EWART53, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1)
Arlene married Paul GRAHAM.
Children from this marriage were:
167 M i. Ian Robert GRAHAM
168 F ii. Janice Elizabeth GRAHAM
87. Eldon RICHMOND (Sarah Katherine EWART53, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1)
Eldon married Theresa CLANCY.
Children from this marriage were:
169 M i. James Andrew RICHMOND
170 F ii. Andrea Joan RICHMOND
171 M iii. Kent RICHMOND
Kent married Nicole RAFTIS.
88. Mary Ruth EWART (William John54, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1) was born in 192723 and died in 198423 aged 57.
Mary married Ted WOLFE.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 172 F i. Patricia Lynn WOLFE
+ 173 F ii. Sharon WOLFE
+ 174 F iii. Susan WOLFE
175 F iv. Valerie WOLFE
Valerie married (__?__) LAVERS.
89. Barbara Ann EWART (William John54, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1)
Barbara married Glen WAGNER.
Children from this marriage were:
176 M i. William Kevin WAGNER
177 U ii. Child WAGNER
178 F iii. Michelle WAGNER
179 F iv. Kimberly WAGNER
90. Margaret Alice MUIR (Grace McDermid EWART55, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1)
Margaret married Robert Wallace IRWIN, son of William IRWIN and Ethel Elizabeth BELBECK, ____________.37
Children from this marriage were:
+ 180 M i. Robert Darrell IRWIN
+ 181 F ii. Sheryl Delynne IRWIN
+ 182 M iii. Brian Russell IRWIN
183 F iv. Sandra Dee IRWIN
Sandra married Tom CORDICK.
91. Dorothy MUIR (Grace McDermid EWART55, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1)
Dorothy married John "Jack" SPEARS.
The child from this marriage was:
184 F i. Donna SPIERS
Donna married David SMALL.
92. Annabelle EWART (Alexander56, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1)
Annabelle married Lynn HOY.
Children from this marriage were:
185 M i. Brian HOY
186 M ii. Terry HOY
187 F iii. Deborah HOY
93. Douglas EWART (Alexander56, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1)
Douglas married Gladys WARREN.
The child from this marriage was:
188 F i. Angela EWART
94. Donald EWART (Alexander56, Samuel Kerr33, Archibald16, Samuel5, Archibald1)
Donald married Bernice ELDER.
Children from this marriage were:
189 M i. Randy EWART
190 F ii. Laurie EWART
97. Ellen Elizabeth ASH (Margaret Gillies CURRIE58, Elizabeth THOMSON35, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1) was born on May 23, 1914 in Dobbinton, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada26 and died on October 12, 2004 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada26 aged 90.
Ellen married George Wallace HORNSBY, son of William John HORNSBY and Ellen Emily HARBOTTLE, on November 22, 1932 in Pilkington Twp, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada.26 George was born on April 27, 1911 in Pilkington Twp, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada26 and died on February 11, 1991 in Brantford, Brant Co, Ontario, Canada26 aged 79.
The child from this marriage was:
191 M i. Five Children HORNSBY .
98. Ruby Florence ASH (Margaret Gillies CURRIE58, Elizabeth THOMSON35, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1) was born on February 12, 1916 in Dobbinton, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada26 and died in 1996 in Maricopa, Pinal, Arizona, USA26 aged 80.
Ruby married Alvin Darrel ARTHURS, son of George ARTHURS and Edith Helena HOLTOM, on June 22, 1933.26 Alvin was born on May 23, 1914 in Minto Twp, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada26 and died on March 23, 1987 in Skull Valley, Yavapai, Arizona, USA26 aged 72.
The child from this marriage was:
192 U i. Four Children ARTHURS
99. Edwin Horace "Ted" ASH (Margaret Gillies CURRIE58, Elizabeth THOMSON35, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1) was born on May 26, 1919 in Dobbinton, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada26 and died on January 26, 1994 in Hanover, Grey Co, Ontario, Canada26 aged 74. He was usually called Ted.
Ted married Vera Franey Greta SCOTT, daughter of George SCOTT and Franey Amelia EBY, on December 28, 1938 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.26 Vera was born on January 14, 1922 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada26 and died on October 1, 1996 in Hanover, Grey Co, Ontario, Canada26 aged 74.
The child from this marriage was:
193 U i. Five Children ASH
100. John Keith ASH (Margaret Gillies CURRIE58, Elizabeth THOMSON35, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1) was born on September 19, 1929 in Dobbinton, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada26 and died on August 10, 2008 in Cambridge, , Ontario, Canada26 aged 78.
John married (__?__) KAUFMAN ____________.26
The child from this marriage was:
194 U i. Two Children ASH
107. Mary ASH (Margaret Gillies CURRIE58, Elizabeth THOMSON35, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1).
Mary married (__?__) GUEST.
The child from this marriage was:
195 M i. Allan GUEST
Allan married Evelyn SCHABAUER.
109. Freida CURRIE (Malcolm Duncan CURRIE63, Elizabeth THOMSON35, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1).
Freida married Edgar WOOD.
The child from this marriage was:
196 M i. Ronald WOOD .
110. Doris CURRIE (Malcolm Duncan CURRIE63, Elizabeth THOMSON35, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1).
Doris married Jack TOMPSON.
Children from this marriage were:
197 M i. Ken TOMPSON .
198 M ii. David TOMPSON .
199 F iii. Dianne TOMPSON .
Dianne married Fred MYLES.
+ 200 F iv. Ruth TOMPSON
111. Elroy LOWE (Mary Sloan THOMSON64, Edward "Ned" THOMSON36, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1) was born in 1918 in Elderslie Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
• Elroy farmed on Lot 25, Con 5, Elderslie Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada
Elroy married Mildred McPHERSON.
The child from this marriage was:
201 M i. Ken LOWE
112. Illene A. LOWE (Mary Sloan THOMSON64, Edward "Ned" THOMSON36, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1)
Illene married Charles HARVIE, son of George William HARVIE and Catherine Margaret McINTOSH. Charles was born in 1914 in Elmwood, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada,13 died in 1993 aged 79, and was buried in Chesley Cemetery, Elderlsie Twp, Ontario, Canada.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 202 F i. Isabel HARVIE was born in 1941 and died on July 3, 1991 in Greenock Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 50.
203 F ii. Ferne HARVIE was born in 1948 and died on July 27, 2008 in Chesley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 60.
Ferne married (__?__) HAMMELL.
204 M iii. Douglas HARVIE
Douglas married Jean (__?__).
205 M iv. Wallace HARVIE
Wallace married Valerie (__?__).
120. Margaret THOMSON (Archibald THOMSON66, John THOMSON37, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1)
Margaret married Lloyd ANGEL.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 206 F i. Sheri Lynn ANGEL
122. Shirley Esther THOMSON (Samuel Christopher THOMSON70, John THOMSON37, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1) was born on November 19, 1947 in , Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada, died on July 21, 2014 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 66, and was buried in Starkvale Cemetery Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
Shirley married Edwin Stewart KARCHER, son of Stewart KARCHER and Stella PARKER.
Children from this marriage were:
207 M i. Kory Edwin KARCHER
Kory married Candice (__?__).
208 F ii. Julia Rose KARCHER
Julia married Michael BONNETT.
128. Glen TAYLOR (Edward TAYLOR71, Janet Ewart THOMSON39, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1)
Glen married Ruby McARTHUR, daughter of Angus "Gussie" McARTHUR and Florence Rose YULE.
Children from this marriage were:
209 F i. Jacquelyn TAYLOR
210 F ii. Yvonne TAYLOR
135. Tom THOMSON (Samuel "Leslie" THOMSON73, James THOMSON42, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1)
Tom married Nancy Jane SIEGRIST. Nancy was born in 1935 and died on November 12, 2013 in Orillia Twp, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada aged 78.
Children from this marriage were:
211 M i. Doug THOMSON
Doug married Vera (__?__).
212 F ii. Mary Lynn THOMSON
Mary married Stewart GRAHAM.
213 M iii. Rick THOMSON
Rick married Debby (__?__).
214 F iv. Sandy THOMSON
Sandy married Kelvin BURGESS.
138. Rena THOMSON (Samuel "Leslie" THOMSON73, James THOMSON42, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1)
Rena married william H. FIDLER. william was born in 1929 and died on December 16, 2011 in Hanover, Grey Co, Ontario, Canada aged 82.
Children from this marriage were:
215 M i. Darlene FIDLER
216 M ii. Ken FIDLER
139. Robert Elroy THOMSON (Robert Clarence THOMSON76, Robert John THOMSON43, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1)
Robert married Bonnie Jean BEECH, daughter of Earl BEECH and Helen REEVES, ____________.21
Children from this marriage were:
217 M i. Scott Elroy THOMSON
218 F ii. Carol Jean THOMSON
141. Ronald William THOMSON (Robert Clarence THOMSON76, Robert John THOMSON43, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1)
Ronald married Linda Rose HALLAM, daughter of William Freddy HALLAM and Dorothy Jane LONGMIRE, ____________.21
Children from this marriage were:
219 M i. Royden Frederick Robert THOMSON
220 F ii. Elizabeth Jane THOMSON
142. Mary Joan THOMSON (Robert Clarence THOMSON76, Robert John THOMSON43, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1)
Mary married Jerald Charles GIBBONS ____________.21
Children from this marriage were:
221 M i. Nicholas Charles GIBBONS
222 M ii. Curtis James GIBBONS
143. Bradley James Peter THOMSON (Robert Clarence THOMSON76, Robert John THOMSON43, Edward THOMSON24, Janet Peterson EWART7, Archibald1)
Bradley married Darlene Elizabeth BOOKER ____________.21
Children from this marriage were:
223 M i. Brandon James THOMSON
224 F ii. Daniella Nicole THOMSON