Descendants of George & Barbara EBY
Seventh Generation
64. Robert Arthur DRAPER (Gladys Annie Viola EBY38, Arthur23, Levi Bowman13, Jacob7, Peter3, George1)
Robert married Florence Catherine McNEILL, daughter of Harry McNEILL and Minnie (__?__),. Florence died on March 9, 1972 in Toronto, York Co, Ontario, Canada and was buried in Tara Cemetery, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
Children from this marriage were:
88 F i. Cathy DRAPER
89 M ii. Gordon DRAPER
90 M iii. Gregory DRAPER
85. Joan Mary McGILLIVRAY (Lillian Marie SCOTT56, Franey Amelia EBY26, Gideon Bowman14, Jacob7, Peter3, George1)
Joan married Martin Ross ROWE.
The child from this marriage was:
91 F i. Mary Ann ROWE