Descendants of Henry & Flora COLLINS

previous  Sixth Generation

97. Carol Ann ELLIS (Dorothy McGREGOR70, David Collins McGREGOR37, Kezia COLLINS9, Henry3, Flora1)

Carol married Glen MATTHEWS.

The child from this marriage was:

   120 F    i. Jennifer MATTHEWS

Jennifer married Brent ALEXANDER, son of Steven ALEXANDER and Patricia CAUGHY.

98. Donald WEBB (Frances McGREGOR71, David Collins McGREGOR37, Kezia COLLINS9, Henry3, Flora1)

Donald married Margie (__?__).

Children from this marriage were:

   121 F    i. Jodi WEBB

   122 F    ii. Kelli WEBB

99. Anne WEBB (Frances McGREGOR71, David Collins McGREGOR37, Kezia COLLINS9, Henry3, Flora1)

Anne married Bob FOSTER.

Children from this marriage were:

   123 M    i. Scott FOSTER

   124 M    ii. Tod FOSTER

100. David CORMACK (Verna Edith McGREGOR72, David Collins McGREGOR37, Kezia COLLINS9, Henry3, Flora1)

David married Barbara BREADNER, daughter of Laverne Henry BREADNER and Laura May CURRIE.

The child from this marriage was:

   125 M    i. Child CORMACK

101. Debbie CORMACK (Verna Edith McGREGOR72, David Collins McGREGOR37, Kezia COLLINS9, Henry3, Flora1)

Debbie married Ross MEYER.

The child from this marriage was:

   126 M    i. Jake MEYER

102. Kenneth CORMACK (Verna Edith McGREGOR72, David Collins McGREGOR37, Kezia COLLINS9, Henry3, Flora1)

Kenneth married Donna STARK, daughter of Hugh Irving STARK and Janet Hope MAXWELL.

Children from this marriage were:

   127 M    i. Daniel CORMACK

   128 F    ii. Allison CORMACK

   129 F    iii. Kaely CORMACK

106. James COBEAN (Anna Jean McGREGOR74, David Collins McGREGOR37, Kezia COLLINS9, Henry3, Flora1)

James married Rona CRAWFORD, daughter of Allen CRAWFORD and Ruth (__?__).

The child from this marriage was:

   130 F    i. Caitlyn COBEAN was born in 1993 and died August 9th, 2008 aged 15.

109. Susan McGREGOR (David John "Jack" McGREGOR75, David Collins McGREGOR37, Kezia COLLINS9, Henry3, Flora1)

Susan married Richard HUNTER.

Children from this marriage were:

   131 F    i. Barbara HUNTER

Barbara married Mark van der SLUIS.

   132 F    ii. Lauran HUNTER

   133 M    iii. Matthew HUNTER

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