Descendants of Archibald & Sarah CAMPBELL![]() Sources1 1851 Canadian Census. 2 1901 Canadian Census (National Archives of Canada, 2000). 3 1841Census of Scotland. 4, Ontario Deaths 1869-1932. 5 Personal Notes, Desc. Chart for Henry BULBECK rec'd from Jean SHAW, November 2005. 6 1861Canadian Census. 7, 1871 Census of Canada. 8, Ontario Marriages 1857-1922. 9, 1891 Census of Canada. 10 It Happened in Ellengowan (Compiled by Mary MacKay; Published May 2000.), Belbeck Family. 11 1901 Canadian Census (National Archives of Canada, 2000), 49. f-2, page 11. 12 Canada., 1911 census of Canada. RG 31. Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Digital images. (n.d.). 13, - Births. 14 Newspaper not identified. 15 Jean McGillivray- Gowanlock & Mary McGillivray-Watson, Newspaper Obituaries. 16 Newspaper not identified, W. Kent Milroy Funeral Homes. 17 Bruce Twp. - Births, Deaths & Marriages (Transcribed by Hida Downey; Indexed by Jim & Kay Gregg). 18 History of Brant Township 1854-1979 (Compiled by The Brant Township Historical Society), Chisholm Family. 19 Personal Notes, Desc. Chart for Henry BULBECK from Jean SHAW, Nov 2005. 20 1901 Canadian Census (National Archives of Canada, 2000), Elderslie. 21 Paisley Advocate (BDM's transcribed and Indexed by Jim & Kay Gregg). 22 1881 Canadian Census (FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service, November 11, 2002). 23 Family Records / Research, from John Chisholm by email August 2013. 24 Funeral/Death Notice, W. Kent Milroy Funeral Homes. 25 Compiled & Edited by: Lois Gowanlock-Bradley, Gowanlock Family Tree 1722-1999 (Compiled & Edited by: Lois Gowanlock-Bradley contact
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