Descendants of Robert CAIN and Jane DICK
Fifth Generation
56. Ross McGREGOR (Bethea Adelle CAIN36, Brownlee22, Robert3, Robert1)
Ross married Sharon (__?__).
Children from this marriage were:
92 F i. Melody McGREGOR
93 F ii. Monique McGREGOR
94 F iii. Michelle McGREGOR
57. Anne McGREGOR (Bethea Adelle CAIN36, Brownlee22, Robert3, Robert1)
Anne married Wayne ACREE.
The child from this marriage was:
95 M i. Ross ACREE
58. Joy McGREGOR (Bethea Adelle CAIN36, Brownlee22, Robert3, Robert1)
Joy married Ferdinand GULBRANDSEN.
Children from this marriage were:
97 F ii. Robin GULBRANDSEN
59. Donald Brownlee McGREGOR (Bethea Adelle CAIN36, Brownlee22, Robert3, Robert1) was born in 1933 in Emo Lash Twp, Rainy River Dist, Ontario, Canada and died on December 24, 2003 in Rainy River, Rainy River Dist, Ontario, Canada aged 70.
Research Notes: Mr. Donald Brownlee McGregor, age 70 years, passed away on Wednesday, December 24, 2003 at the Birchwood Terrace Nursing Home. Don was born in Emo, Ontario and graduated high school in Rainy River. On June 18, 1957 he began employment with the Lands and Forests and June 28, 1957 he married Ruth Marianne Kaus in Rainy River. For 33 years, Don worked for the Ontario Government in the Northwestern Region where his career included Conservation, Fish and Wildlife, Parks, Lands, District management and Forest Management. His contribution to all of these areas was commended when he retired in June 1990. Throughout Don's life he was active in his Church, a member of the Lions CLub, loved to go curling, hunt and fish, was an avid gardener and enjoyed camping and family get togethers.
Donald married Ruth Marianne KAUS.
Children from this marriage were:
98 M i. Allan McGREGOR
99 F ii. Donna McGREGOR
Donna married Steven WALSH.
71. Donald YOUNG (Mary Irene "Roxy" KERRY39, Margaret A. CAIN23, Robert3, Robert1) was born in 1942 in Brant Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada and died on January 24, 2014 in Hanover, Grey Co, Ontario, Canada aged 72.
Donald married Sheila CARTWRIGHT, daughter of Lloyd CARTWRIGHT and Marie SMITH.
Children from this marriage were:
100 F i. Joanne YOUNG
101 M ii. Keith YOUNG
72. Doreen Jeanette YOUNG (Mary Irene "Roxy" KERRY39, Margaret A. CAIN23, Robert3, Robert1) was born in 1944 in Brant Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada,4 died on May 9, 1992 in Brant Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada4 aged 48, and was buried in Douglas Hill Cemetery Eden Grove, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada.
Doreen married William George DUNCAN, son of William DUNCAN.
The child from this marriage was:
102 M i. Dwayne DUNCAN
78. Joanne NOBLE (James Vernon NOBLE52, Gertrude Emily BLACK34, Mary Ann CAIN4, Robert1)
Joanne married Tony PALMER.
The child from this marriage was:
103 M i. Jonathon PALMER
79. James NOBLE (James Vernon NOBLE52, Gertrude Emily BLACK34, Mary Ann CAIN4, Robert1)
James married Linda IRELAND.
The child from this marriage was:
104 U i. Two Children NOBLE
81. Linda McINTYRE (Muriel NOBLE53, Gertrude Emily BLACK34, Mary Ann CAIN4, Robert1)
Linda married (__?__) MORRISON.
Children from this marriage were:
105 F i. Lisa MORRISON
Lisa married (__?__) GIBSON.
106 F ii. Christa MORRISON
Christa married (__?__) HOLMAN.
107 F iii. Shelly MORRISON
82. Gordon McINTYRE (Muriel NOBLE53, Gertrude Emily BLACK34, Mary Ann CAIN4, Robert1)
Gordon married Dorothy (__?__).
The child from this marriage was:
108 M i. Donald G. McINTYRE
83. Terrance Wayne "Terry" NOBLE (John Randal "Jack" NOBLE54, Gertrude Emily BLACK34, Mary Ann CAIN4, Robert1)
Terry married Brenda Margaret ALEXANDER, daughter of Robert Gordon Adolph ALEXANDER and Alice Mae BLACK.
Children from this marriage were:
109 M i. Mathew Alexander NOBLE
110 F ii. Tara Lindsay NOBLE
84. Barbara Jean NOBLE (John Randal "Jack" NOBLE54, Gertrude Emily BLACK34, Mary Ann CAIN4, Robert1)
Barbara married Lawrence Ray McCOY.
Children from this marriage were:
111 M i. Daniel Gordon McCOY
112 M ii. Jeffrey Wayne McCOY
85. Robert John NOBLE (John Randal "Jack" NOBLE54, Gertrude Emily BLACK34, Mary Ann CAIN4, Robert1)
Robert married Lorraine (__?__).
Children from this marriage were:
113 F i. Shannon NOBLE
114 F ii. Sarah Molina NOBLE
86. David Simms NOBLE (John Randal "Jack" NOBLE54, Gertrude Emily BLACK34, Mary Ann CAIN4, Robert1)
David married Darlene JEFFEREY.
Children from this marriage were:
115 M i. David Ryan NOBLE
116 F ii. Tammy Lynn NOBLE
117 M iii. Scott Jefferey NOBLE
87. Judith Ann NOBLE (John Randal "Jack" NOBLE54, Gertrude Emily BLACK34, Mary Ann CAIN4, Robert1)
Judith married Ross McKay McCABE.
The child from this marriage was:
118 F i. Natalie Jean McCABE
88. Thomas Edmund NOBLE (John Randal "Jack" NOBLE54, Gertrude Emily BLACK34, Mary Ann CAIN4, Robert1)
Thomas married Diane Patricia LOEPP.
Children from this marriage were:
119 M i. David Thomas NOBLE
120 F ii. Jennifer Diane NOBLE
89. Pamela Elizabeth NOBLE (John Randal "Jack" NOBLE54, Gertrude Emily BLACK34, Mary Ann CAIN4, Robert1)
Pamela married someone.
Her children were:
121 F i. Jessie Rocket NOBLE
122 F ii. Amanda Rocket NOBLE
123 F iii. Bethany Blake NOBLE
91. Bernard Craig NOBLE (Bernard Ralph NOBLE55, Gertrude Emily BLACK34, Mary Ann CAIN4, Robert1)
Bernard married someone.
His children were:
124 M i. Justin Bernard NOBLE
125 M ii. Cameron Matthew NOBLE
126 M iii. Spencer NOBLE