Descendants of Angus and Margaret BELL
Sixth Generation 
67. Marion Josephine FENTON (Catherine Bell FENTON52, Janet Bell McFADDEN29, Catherine B. BELL9, John4, Angus B.1)
Marion married John Henry IRWIN, son of William IRWIN and Ethel Elizabeth BELBECK, ____________.15
Children from this marriage were:
+ 81 M i. William Ronald "Ron" IRWIN
+ 82 F ii. Bonnie Lynn IRWIN
+ 83 F iii. Heather Ann IRWIN
+ 84 M iv. David John IRWIN
68. Linda Ida Janet DOUGHERTY (Catherine Bell FENTON52, Janet Bell McFADDEN29, Catherine B. BELL9, John4, Angus B.1)
Linda married Allan MIDDLETON.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 85 F i. Debra Ann MIDDLETON
86 M ii. Son MIDDLETON was born on November 7, 197812 and died on November 7, 1978.12
87 F iii. Stacey Catherine MIDDLETON
Linda next married Ernest Bevin RIBEY.