Descendants of Dundas & Elizabeth ALEXANDER
Seventh Generation
620. Jesse WASMUTH (Rona BALFOUR398, Lorna Florence KIRK219, Edna ALEXANDER85, James Edward21, Andrew3, Dundas McQueen1)
Jesse married Stacey SHAW.
Children from this marriage were:
780 i. Carson WASMUTH
781 ii. Cole WASMUTH
621. Katherine WASMUTH (Rona BALFOUR398, Lorna Florence KIRK219, Edna ALEXANDER85, James Edward21, Andrew3, Dundas McQueen1)
Katherine married Phillip LAMONT.
The child from this marriage was:
782 i. Kameron LAMONT
633. Paul Douglas MacLEAN (Stewart John MacLEAN429, Stella BUTCHART254, Stewart Alexander BUTCHART105, Elizabeth ALEXANDER26, William6, Dundas McQueen1)
Paul married Sarah Nicole CAMACHO.
The child from this marriage was:
783 i. Caiden Stewart MacLEAN
642. Scott Gerald CUNNINGHAM (John Watson CUNNINGHAM466, Mildred Evelyn WATSON273, Ida May ALEXANDER122, George32, William6, Dundas McQueen1)
Scott married Blythe Nancy MacDONALD.
The child from this marriage was:
784 i. Finley Annamecica CUNNINGHAM
643. Christa Ann Maria CUNNINGHAM (John Watson CUNNINGHAM466, Mildred Evelyn WATSON273, Ida May ALEXANDER122, George32, William6, Dundas McQueen1)
Christa married Kevin Louis Ross CUDMORE.
Children from this marriage were:
785 i. Austin Chandler Ross Watson CUDMORE
786 ii. Aiden Jason Scott Dalton CUDMORE
787 iii. Luka Rowen Jacoba Louis CUDMORE
663. John Clifford "Cliff" TANNER (Marjorie May McTEER475, Mona May WATSON274, Ida May ALEXANDER122, George32, William6, Dundas McQueen1) was born on October 15, 1961 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada, died on October 11, 2009 in Port Elgin, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada aged 47, and was buried in Douglas Hill Cemetery Eden Grove, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada. He was usually called Cliff.
Cliff married Joanne MORROW.
The child from this marriage was:
788 i. Lisa Marjorie TANNER
676. Stacy CAMPBELL (Elaine Ida McTEER478, Mona May WATSON274, Ida May ALEXANDER122, George32, William6, Dundas McQueen1)
Stacy married Sean NASTKY, son of Nina FARROW.
The child from this marriage was:
789 i. Emma NASTKY
677. Son McTEER (Dennis Arthur McTEER479, Mona May WATSON274, Ida May ALEXANDER122, George32, William6, Dundas McQueen1)
Son married Teri Lynn COPLAND, daughter of William COPLAND and Jacqueline BEARMAN.
The child from this marriage was:
789 i. Jordan McTEER
681. Candy Marie STORER (Karen Ruth MAXWELL489, Victor Edward MAXWELL283, Sylvia Florence Marie ALEXANDER129, George32, William6, Dundas McQueen1)
Candy married Jason Dale THOMPSON, son of Dale THOMPSON and Ruth GINGRICH.
Children from this marriage were:
790 i. Benjamin William THOMPSON
791 ii. Bailey Jason THOMPSON
682. Tammy-Jean Ruth STORER (Karen Ruth MAXWELL489, Victor Edward MAXWELL283, Sylvia Florence Marie ALEXANDER129, George32, William6, Dundas McQueen1)
Tammy-Jean married Stephen WALSH, son of John WALSH and Constance HILL.
Children from this marriage were:
792 i. Brooke Marie WALSH was born on October 16, 1895 in Kitchener, Waterloo Co, Ontario, Canada.22
793 ii. Dylan James WALSH
684. Rhonda Lee PHILLIPS (Tracy Susan MAXWELL491, Victor Edward MAXWELL283, Sylvia Florence Marie ALEXANDER129, George32, William6, Dundas McQueen1)
Rhonda married Peter Anthony SPEEK.
The child from this marriage was:
794 i. Veronica Evelyn SPEEK
691. Victoria Amber MONTGOMERY (Laurie Ann MAXWELL501, Gordon Bruce MAXWELL288, Sylvia Florence Marie ALEXANDER129, George32, William6, Dundas McQueen1)
Victoria married Nick WOLLIS.
The child from this marriage was:
795 i. Beau WOLLIS
693. Misti Lynn FERRIS (Sherry Jacqueline MAXWELL502, Gordon Bruce MAXWELL288, Sylvia Florence Marie ALEXANDER129, George32, William6, Dundas McQueen1)
Misti married William Edwin HOWES, son of Frank HOWES and Maj-Britt "May" POULSEN.
Children from this marriage were:
796 i. Maleah Maj-Britt Jaqulynn HOWES
797 ii. Jillian Elizabeth Nadine HOWES
798 iii. Paul Edwin HOWES