Sydenham #10
131.4 to 145.7 km

Date: July 14, 2015

Weather:  Cloudy, Warm and Muggy with some rain 

We set off down Concession 20, turned right and followed the paved road. At the next intersection we turned left and followed the Cole's Sideroad north until it became a logging path leading up the Escarpment.   The path was very muddy and slippery with big, scary puddles in the middle.

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Richard (co-leader), Andy, Case, Karen ( our leader), Christine, Helgy, Carolyn and Ann Giles took the picture.

We continued along the road allowance for 2 km before reaching a turn to the right. 

We then headed east and south through mixed forests.  It rained occasionally, but rain gear was not necessary.  We passed a memorial cairn to C.C Middlebro and John Stuart founders of the Sydenham Bruce Trail Club.  This area is known for the variety of rare firns.  We climbed the Escarpment out to Kemble Rock Road where we had our elevensies/lunch.

Taking a much needed 'water' break ........

We continued north and then west to a pasage through a fissure in the Escarpment. 

We continued west across a wide dolestone outcrop, providing beautiful views to the north.  We skirted a woodlot before reaching Graham's Hill Rd. where we had parked our cars.

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