Matrimonial Market
(make your choice for the list will end soon)
This item was from a column in the Paisley Advocate, January 1888.
HUGH MCKECHNIE: Bachelor on the shady side of 40, has always been a man of pleasure having been to the old country several times. He is not a declared candidate for admission to the honors of being some good woman’s husband, but he should not lose time in entering the lists.
DAVID DEWAR: Mason, on the sunny side of 30, is pleasant and has the faculty of making friends and money. He is a clubable man and ranks well among the members of the Paisley Club and other similar organizations. In personal appearance he is pleasantly striking and having elegance of manners he is popular in the best social circles. He is not overly old either as a bachelor, neither is he as such narrow minded on the subject of married life, as he could take a lady for a drive those terrible muddy roads.
COLIN MCARTHUR: Merchant, young as bachelors go, dark hair and whiskers to match, getting better looking every day and a disposition that is most lovable, cultured, generous, kind hearted and a popular gentleman. It is fair to surmise that he will not turn his fortieth mile post in single harness.
SAM STEELE, who might be captured if an effort in that direction should be made on a purely business basis. He is business every minute of the day. If he could be convinced on a mathematical basis that matrimony is a desirable condition he would surrender and he would even take a liberal risk if some one would, to a fair degree, show that with proper encouragement such a venture would prove a success. Mr. Steele is one of the best men mentally and morally in Paisley and with diplomatic and entirely honest cultivation would be made one of the best husbands.
HUGH MCARTHUR: Tall, handsome, dark complexioned; is in the possession of 300 acres of land; has slathers of money, and the woman who gains his hand will possess a jewel.
KENNETH MCKENZIE: Bare-footed on the top of his head; wears a full beard that half the bachelors envy; was in love once, but it is a long time ago; comfortably fixed; carries $10,000 in his soak; however that may be, if the right woman approaches him in this year of grace and reminds him of the Biblical injunction to all men, he may be induced to surrender his warm, kind heart into wifely keeping. |