Shoemaker's Jewellery Shop
Shoemaker’s is the oldest continuous business in Paisley. The land this building is on was purchased from Thomas Orchard of Carrollton Missouri, U.S.A. by Robert Porteous in August 1876, on which he erected the`Porteous bank. “Ike” Shoemaker set up business in Paisley in 1894 in the building which stood on the site now occupied by the Bruce Telephone Office. In 1900 he purchased the Porteous Bank building from the Porteous estate, renovated it, and occupied it as a jewellery store and optometrist’s shop, until his retirement in 1960. Since then it has been carried on by his son Winston.
J. S. Muir Machine Shop
This building built in 1872, has been occupied by MacLachlan’s bakery, Thompson Bros., McClure’s garage, James Dewar coal and lumber, and Ken Brown who operated awoodworking plant.
Mr. Muir purchased the building in 1947 and set up a machine shop which he still operates, repairing road machinery and general machine shop work. As a hobby he has produced a 29 foot cabin cruiser and also restored a large steamtraction engine, and is now working on a smaller one.
Cumming Equipment
This building was built in 1946 by the late Elgin Cumming. The business was known as “The Paisley Implement” and was owned and operated by Mr. Cumming until his death in December 1967. His son Elroy kept the business until September 1971 when he sold out to Campbell Equipment of Port Elgin. It remained thus until December 1972, when a nephew of the original owner Jim Cumming and his son Deane bought the business. Over the years John Deere machinery was sold until 1961, and between then and 1972 the owners were agents for Nuffield, New Holland, and International. In December 1972 it once more became a ]ohn Deere Agency.
Sid Patterson, who began to work with chain saws as a sideline in 1958 became so busy with that part that he himself exclusively sells and services chain saws. He carries Pioneer, Homelite, and Stihl saws. |
The Paisley Inn
At one time there were five hotels in Paisley, but after 1911 only one remained - The Grand Central. Records show that Issac Stanley bought The Grand Central in 1894 for $7000. Mr. Stanley built the adjoining building (now The Royal Bank). The Grand Central had its beginning as Rowe’s Tavern and is known to-day as The Paisley Inn.
After over 25 years as a “dry hotel”, Paisley Inn became the only hotel north of Toronto to have a liquor licence, in 1956. Since that time it has changed ownership every 3 years or so until the present owners Mr. Stan Edwards and Mr. Tony Vanderstein bought it in 1971. Over the years the building has been improved to the present value of $280,000. They advertise nightly entertainment and it has become one of the best known night spots in Bruce County. |
Remus Men's Wear
The Remus Men’s Wear business began in Paisley, in October 1953. The young owners, Kay and Carl Remus came from Milton Ont. where Carl had been manager of a retail chain store, The Ross Stores Co. Ltd. for two years. They purchased the men’s shop formerly owned by Ed. Edighoffer and prior to that for a long period of time by the late G.B. Irwin. The location at that time was in a portion of the Paisley Inn, now the Clans Room.
In June 1954 the business was moved to the present location, which had been until earlier that same year the Paisley Post Office.
Clothing styles have changed dramatically over the past 20 years. In 1953 trousers were full and baggy, pleated and with a modest cuff, double breasted suits were in fashion and lapels were wide. Brace buttons were still a necessity for many. By 1955 and ‘56 the navy and striped suit had been replaced with charcoal, and the pink shirt arrived on the scene. White shirts suffered a mild setback as light greens and pastel blues became popular. The pink shirt may be heralded as the beginning of a new era for men’s fashions. The next stage in clothing evolution was the slim non-pleated plain bottom trousers, and the slim narrow lapel non-padded suit coat. Hat brims became narrow and small and the flat top was very popular. Collars were very small and ties narrow. The youth market became jeans-oriented and many couldn’t find legs slim enough. Heavy winter overcoats began a decline from which they never recovered. The modern male desires warmth without weight. During the 60’s more colour was used and accepted by males. Summer sportswear, swimwear and suits became lighter and brighter and males began to compete with females in both colour and fashion.
From the day of the charcoal suit and the white shirt men’s wear has moved to highly coloured shirts, high shades and patterns in suits, jackets and slacks.
During the 70’s the knits and light weight wools have held sway and manufacturers have been able to perform unheard of feats with modern fabrics. A steady trend from made to measure into stock garments has been noted. The average investment for suits by comparison to the good old days is much less today. The inodern male of 1974 has more style awareness, buys more clothing and changes his wardrobe much more rapidly than did his earlier counterpart. No longer does it “have to wear for ever”.
Until the summer of 1970 the store was operated by Carl Remus and his wife Kay, assisted on occasion by Mr. Remus Sr.
At that time Kay Remus took charge assisted by Ina Fullerton and they have successfully operated it ever since. |
Rankin's Shell Service
Jim Rankin came to Paisley in 1952, apprenticing under the late Bill Tanner for five years. In 1957 he went to work for the Fina Station, following which he purchased a business in Teeswater.
In 1962 he returned to Paisley and purchased the White Rose Garage and now operates under Shell Oil.
This garage was the former George Welsford Service Station which advertised “GAS, OIL, TOILETS” and featured a Merry-go-round, and teeter-totters for children. Other former proprietors were Tory Gregg, Hugh Luttrell, Tanner Bros., Irving Stark. |
Gregg's Building Supplies
Wally Gregg bought the building supply and coal business from the late Earle Grant in 1955. At that time the offices were across the street where James’ Bakery now is. In 1959 the present Gregg office building was constructed. The selling of coal was discontinued in 1971 when supplies were more difficult to get Building products and supplies of all kinds are still sold. After Wally’s death in 1973, his son Dan now manages the firm. |
Reeves Esso Farm Service
Art Reeves Purchased the Esso Business from Ab Archer in 1943. For a number of years, Mr. Reeves and his three sons operated the business out of Paisley, Walkerton, and Port Elgin. After Mr. Reeves’ retirement his two sons, George and Robert continued to carry on. It is believed they were the first to have a power take off unit for delivery, and another first in the oil business in this area, they have a two-way radio from the trucks to their home office. |
The U.C.O. Store
The U.C.O. Store on the corner of Queen Street South has a history that dates back many years. Elsewhere in this book, in the article about Thomas Orchard’s death you will learn that it was built in 1860 by Thomas Orchard and was a general store. In 1892 Mr. Claxton and Mr. Samuel Ballachey operated the store under the name of Claxton and Ballachey. Mr. Ballachey later owned it himself and he built the third storey on the older store and also the southern part (next to Remus’s store). In 1908 Mr. Ballachey’s son Frank and Mr. James R. Laidlaw purchased the business. Frank assumed Mr. Laidlaw’s share in 1918. His inventory included such items as shoes, rubbers, clothing for every member of the family, millinery and all kinds of floor coverings as well as a full line of groceries. In 1945, he disposed of the grocery department to the Paisley CoOperative but continued to carry on the dry goods and clothing until 1952 when he retired and sold the merchandise by auction. This part of the store was taken over by the I.G.A. chain store and finally by the Paisley Co-Operative Association. The store, set up as a grocery and farm supply centre, has remained basically the same until 1973. The grocery section was phased out and the Farm Supply Section expanded to occupy both sections of the Store. When completed in 1974 it will supply Paisley and area with complete agricultural and urban supplies. |
Dryden Hardware
The store where Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dryden have their business has been a hardware store for over 100 years. McDonald and Son were the first owners that we know of. Sinclair Bros bought the business from Mr. McDonald and between 1919 and 1932 Mr. Clarence Fraser and Mr. Sterling Fraser owned the business. In 1933 Mr. Ross McArthur bought the building and the business. While he was in business he added a giftware section and built a 7-room apartment over the back portion of the building. He completely modernized the main store in 1958.
When Mr. Dryden bought the building in November 1960, he built a 5 room apartment over the front part of the store. (There is still ample room for storage over the store as well as a full basement). In 1972 Mr. Dryden modernized the back section of the store making the whole ground floor into display area except for the warehouse room.
Over the years hardware, like everything else, has changed. In addition to the shelf and heavy hardware, stoves, paints, etc of the 1870’s and the giftware of the 1950’s, Dryden’s carry a line of all electrical appliances, plumbing, electric wiring supplies, toys, housewares, and seasonal merchandise. The $4000 inventory of the 1870’s has given way to over $50,000. of stock in the 1970’s. Almost all hardware dealers today belong to a chain of stores. Mr. Dryden is one of the dealer-owners who own their own wholesale warehouse in St. Jacobs, Ontario called Home Hardware Stores Limited. |
Moffatt - Sisson Company
Does it sound familiar to some? Dalton Moffatt purchased the B.A. Oil Service Station at the corner of Queen Street North and North Street in the spring of 1954 and with a partner, Mervin Sisson, opened for business on the first day of July, 1954. The first customer was Mr. James Pace.
Dalt purchased the building and lot from Mr. Gordon King who had purchased the land and erected the building in 1952. He operated the Business as a service station and Cockshutt implement agency until the fall of 1953.
The B.A. was operated as a partnership until 1961 when the partnership was dissolved. The name then changed to Dalt’s B.A. In 1969, due to the takeover of the B.A. Oil shares by Gulf Oil, the name again changed, which, today in 1974, is still operating as Dalt’s Gulf Service. |
Snyder's Market
In former days this business was operated by J.S. Nicholl. In 1929 W.E. Theaker purchased and enlarged the business to include dry goods as well as groceries. He carried on a successful business until 1962 when he sold the grocery department to Major M.T. Cooper. He carried on business under the name of “The White Cart Groceteria”. Mr. Theaker continued the dry goods business briefly until it was taken over the Vanderplases.
In April 1972 the groceteria was purchased by Paul Snyder. In 1973 Mr. Snyder purchased the south section of the building from Mr. Theaker. Since Mr. Snyder has been in business he renovated and enlarged the entire interior, which now includes a new meat department. |
Ron Gibbons Haulage
Ron bought his first truck in Dec. 1966 and moved to the Paisley area. He worked mostly for Siegrist Haulage in Allenford, hauling sand, gravel, topsoil and asphalt throughout an area extending over to Collingwood. Between the spring of 1969, and 1973 he replaced his original truck by two tandem trucks. With these tandem trucks he started doing more local work and continued to work for Siegrist Haulage. In the Fall of 1973 he purchased an Allis Chalmers Crawler loader in hopes of branching out on his own with it, and one of the trucks is to continue working for Siegrist. Mr. Gibbons has done all his own maintenance work on the trucks with the help of his driver Louis Thompson. He now operates his private business from his home on Ross Street in Paisley. |
5c - $1 Store
Mr. Alex. Keith established the 5¢ to $1.00 store in 1938. In 1951 they sold to Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gregg, who operated it until 1959 when Mr. and Mrs John Vanderplas bought it. They are still the owners in 1974. |
Paisley's Variety Store
A first for Paisley . _ _ The Paisley Variety store was opened in the front ofthe former McClure apartment on March 16, 1973. In January 1974, the store was enlarged. This store differs from the other Paisley stores in that is is open 12 hours a day, seven days a week. |
Sunoco Service
In 1965, Jim McGregor bought the Sunoco Service Station. He took it over from his brother Jack, with whom he had apprenticed and worked for several years.
Since Jim has had the garage, the grounds around the building have been cleared and the front section paved. The garage has been painted and repaired and new lighting and heating systems have been installed but no structural changes have been made in the building itself. Several new pieces of mechanical equipment have been added to widen the range of services available. |
Friar Wood Woking Shop
Mr. Ernest Friar bought a shop from Mr. J.S. Dewar, in the virrinity of where the Community Centre now stands, around 1919. He established a woodworking shop here and manufactured poultry crates, milk boxes, egg crates, wheelbarrows, window sashes and general repair items. Mr. Friar moved his woodworking shop to the old armouries in 1942 and his son Jim joined him around 1948. Their merchandise has been shipped all over Ontario and at their peak they would make as many as 700 wheelbarrows in a year. Jim bought out the business completely in 1953. As cardboard started to replace wood in the making of boxes, Jim was forced to look for another outlet for his talents and he turned to building homes. He works with Mr. Earl Neilly of Paisley and together they have built about 40 buildings, including the former Bruce Co-op building. They are noted for their good workmanship and have earned the reputation of a very dependable “building team" of carpenters. |
Funeral Directors
Mr. John Hogg was the first funeral director in Paisley around 1870. He was succeeded by Adam Scott and George Grant in 1901. After a few years George Grant left and a John Crawford was with Mr. Scott for about a year. In 1913 Jim Hope and Jim Cavill bought the business from Mr. Scott. They continued in the funeral and furniture business until 1950 when Vern Emke from Chesley purchased the building and business. He remained only one year selling to Robert Stoddart in 1951. Mr. Emke had purchased the former George Craig home for a funeral home, and in 1959 Mr. Stoddart built the chapel alongside the home. In 1969 he sold his business to the present owner Mr. James Hope. |
Anderson's Rexall Drug Store
The Drug Store in Paisley dates back to before the turning of the century. Some of the past names of the drug store have been: The Pure Drug Pharmacy in the late 1800’s; The Apothecaries Hall in the early 1900’s. These stores had several owners, and all I can do is list the ones that I know of - the earliest that I can find in the records still in the store are: Pharmacists D. James Bain – James M. Hargreaves - P.B. More - Harvey Matthews and the present owner Ralph frnderson.
In this length of time there have been many changes in the field of prescription drugs as well as in the over “the counter” preparations or patent medicines. The student of pharmacy to-day finds that pharmacy is a challenging field with a wide variety of interests that can please the most industrious and studious minds. |
J. S. Howe Motors
In 1946 Stuart Howe purchased the service station of Oliver Seiler at the south-west corner of Queen and Church Streets. For six years he dealt in International Harvester farm equipment. In the fall of 1951 renovations were undertaken to include an enlarged workshop at the rear of the garage. The remodeling completed in June of 1952, Mr. Howe took over the General Motors franchise, selling Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, and G.M. parts.
On Feb. 1st, 1954 the business was made into a limited company under the name of J.S. Howe Limited.
In 1958 he purchased two buildings on the north side of Church St. One was the garage of R.C. Crawford; the other building was owned by Oliver Seiler and was used for sharpening saws etc. These were both torn down. Donald McLaggan sold his house to the business in 1959. This house was moved to the rear of the premises and is used for tire storage. The land acquired in these purchases was subsequently paved and lit with floodlights for a display lot for new and used vehicles. Mr. Howe constructed a body shop immediately to the rear of the main garage in 1960. At present however, it is not being used for body work due to a shortage of body mechanics.
The interior of the building was extensively damaged by fire in 1962. As a result it underwent another face lifting with two new offices and an enlarged parts department.
In 1969 he began selling snow mobiles and continued in this venture until this past year. |
Dairy & Snack Bar
Jack Hopper built this building in 1947. He began with just a small counter at the front, and the milk pasteurizing and ice cream manufacturing at the back. Jim Duncan, Pete McDougal and Betty Rae followed as owners. Betty changed it from more or less a milk store to a small snack bar in 1954. Ralph Walker owned it for a short while in 1961, followed by Lorraine Thompson in the same year. In 1968 the building was completely remodelled, the milk plant removed, and extended to the present day Snack Bar. Earl Beech and family bought the business in 1973 and continue to operate the restaurant.
Cooper's Red & White
The Stark Block was built in 1903. James Hargreaves a druggist moved to the north end of the store from the north end of town. He also had the telegraph office. Mr. Cummings, E.G. Eckel, and Walter Stark’s Flour and Feed stores followed in this stand; then as a grocery store, Harold Lindsay, ].C. F ennell, Ted Bender. O.R. Burns, Ross Bell, and Glen Rowley.
The present occupants are Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cooper who came from Oakville in 1972 to take up store keeping as a new venture. Mr. Cooper who was originally from Halifax spent five years in the navy, serving for a time in Korea. Before coming to Paisley he was a policeman in Oakville. |
Gregg Bros.Car Wash

Gregg Bros. Car Wash built in 1973. |
Mervin Howe Excavating
Mr. Howe started his excavating business on Cambridge Street in 1957 doing bulldozing, backhoe work and general trucking. In 1959 he built his own shop and added to his equipment. Mr. Howe’s work takes him well around this area. He now also has a snowmobile Sales and repair Service, and is the owner of the old property on Regent Street, once owned by the late William Anstead, the brick maker of the 1800’s.
Mac F. MacNeill - Barber
Prior to becoming a barber, Mac, a local boy, worked in Harry McGregor’s butcher shop during the years 1917 to 1918. Afterward, he had a rural mail route and worked for John Fisher.
In 1923 he apprenticed with barber, Leslie Majury, and worked with him for ten years. He then established his own barber shop which he operated for seven years. For five years during World War II he served in the Canadian Forces. On his return to civilian life in 1945, he resumed business in the location he formerly occupied on Queen Street South and now with forty-six years of barbering to his credit he is still open for business. |
Majury's Barber Shop
and Mickey's Petite Salon
Originally known as Mrs. McIntyre’s store, it was then owned by Carters and became a barbershop operated by Bill Scott. He was followed by “Ted” Ellis as a barber who was joined by Leslie Majury in 1916.
Mr. Majury continued to barber until ill health forced him to retire in 1964. He passed away in 1965. His son Lorne started to barber with him on May 22, 1950. Lorne bought the building from Grant Hay in 1963 and the business from his father in 1964. Mickey, Lorne’s wife, opened a beauty shop in their apartment upstairs on October 1st, 1969. |
Julie's Beauty Boutique
Julie fmished her training in Kitchener, July 1, 1968, and opened her shop July 1, 1972 in Paisley. Her salon is a centre for special beauty products, with a scientific approach to beauty. She specializes in maintaining the healthiest hair, skin and nails. |
Bruce County Highways
Gourmet Steak
and Chicken House
Until approximately five years ago this building was occupied in turn by a druggist, an electrical appliance shop, clothing stores, and a colour bar. Mr. and Mrs. Weichert changed the interior and set up the Gourmet Steak and Chicken House. Mrs. Vina Thompson owned it prior to the present owners Mr and Mrs. Jim Craddock who purchased the business in February 1973, once again remodelling the interior. |
John L. Murdock General Insurance
At the turn of the Century the building had been the home of Dr. Black, followed by Robert Fullerton (uncle of R.E. Fullerton) who managed the Bruce Municipal Telephone Company and housed the telephone office. The house was sold in 1934 to W.E. Thompson. In October 1961, Mr. Murdoch purchased the General Insurance business and building from Wilfred Thompson who had operated an active business for twenty-seven years.
McClure's Garage
Mary and Gary Ingram operate this business in the building that was formerly the Balmoral Hotel. They bought the business from Walter and Lloyd McClure in Sept. 1972. They remodelled the old hotel by removing the third floor in November 1972. In the fall of 1973 the garage was torn down and rebuilt.
James Bakery
The first occupant of this building was Coleman’s meats, followed by two different butchers, ]ohn Collins and Paul Oltsher. Earle Grant Fuels and Building Supplies also occupied this stand.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. James came to Paisley from Guelph in 1957 buying the bakeshop now occupied by Julie’s Boutique. In January 1960 they moved to the present site, where they still sell some of the best bake goods in the area.
Russell McAllister
Plumbing and Heating
Westbrook Fuels
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blue bought the Shell franchise from Elgin Cumming in 1955, and opened an office in the south half of the building where Mac McNeill’s barbershop is. In 1958 they moved their office to where the apartment occupied by Mrs. Annie Green now is. In 1962 Mr. Blue passed away, and Mrs. Blue continued to run the oil business. In 1970, the Shell Company built a new building for their Farm Dealership. On May 29, 1973, Mrs. Blue sold the business to Allan Westbrook from Sarnia. This is Mr. Westbrook’s first venture in the business world, as he was a policeman in Sarnia before coming to Paisley. |
Paisley Beauty Shop
Paisley Beauty Shop was originally located where Mrs. Anne Green’s apartment is and was owned by Mrs. Dan McLean. Madeline Rowley was the next owner who in turn sold the business to Mrs. Ron Irving in 1951. Mrs. Irving kept the shop in that location for 1 year before moving to her present location, which was her grandmother Montgomery’s Home. |
Wonch Electric
Wonch Electric was first established in June of 1970. This business is owned and operated by Ivan Wonch. Before going into business for himself, Ivan worked for McGill Plumbing and Heating and Miller Electric. Ivan operates his business from his own home and specializes in Electric Heat.
George Grant Insurance
Bought out the late Dave Foresster's Insurance Business in 1946 and is still selling General Insurance.
Clarence McGill
Plumbing, Heating and Elictric Wiring
Bob Hazzard
Plumbing and Heating
Gary's Hamburger Haven
Owned and operated by Gary Clayton
Jim Hope Insurance
Fire, Auto and Liability Insurance |
Listed in the Paisley Advocate as selling REAL ESTATE
Andy Cormack
Glen Majury
Alex McLaggan
Hazel Cottrill
Bill Caldwell
Ethel Robson, Glammis.
Lorne Evans
Prefab Homes
Ed Karcher
Excavating and Gravel Haulage
Wilfred Dudgeon
Blacksmith and general repair work |
Lloyd Hutton bought the trucking business from Andy Cormack in January 1966. John Ernewein built the barn for him in 1968. Huttons truck cattle to and from markets all over Ontario, as well as bringing feeder cattle from the west, and hauling feed and fertilizer. They also have a furniture moving van. At different times, live honey bees have been taken from Ontario to bee keepers out west. Lloyd Hutton told us of one load of bees in hives that was transported to Camrose Alberta in the 1950’s, a feat which had never been accomplished before.

Paisley Stock Yards on the left and Hutton Transport on the right.