Monday, October 1, 1906 :
A very cold morning. Bill & I left home this morning about half past five. I drove Bill to the corner at the twelfth of Brant and then I brought the horse home. I wheeled over to Daunt's this morning. A highspifiglorious night.
Tuesday, October 2:
A nice day. The threshing machine came to Daunt's this evening about five o'clock. They had their supper before they came. They stayed all night. Wilson was up this evening. It is simply a grand night. It is bright as day and freezing hard. I felt lonesome tonight.
Wednesday, October 3:
A warm day. We were up early this morning. We got breakfast for the threshers. We gave the threshers their dinner about a quarter after ten. Then they went to Bob Wright's. They got though there at a quarter to two and had their supper. Lou & I went over there for supper. Mrs. H. Hettrick & Ivan Hettrick were at Daunt's for dinner. I wheeled down to Stuart's for the mail and then back to Daunt's and then I wheeled home. I called in at Uncle Adam's and while I was there Fan called in and Alma, Fan & I came over home. We stayed at home for a while then Alma & I walked to the fourteenth corner with Fan. It is a grand night. We had a good time.
Thursday, October 4:
A nice day but a rainy evening. I wheeled over to Uncle Tom's this morning and back again. Father & I drove to Pinkerton this forenoon and back again. We did not go to Guild tonight. Geordie Sawyer was over this morning for a few minutes.
Friday, October 5:
A sultry day with a cool wind towards evening. Alma was over this forenoon. I called for Alma this afternoon and we walked to Pinkerton. I got a souvenir post card "The Elocutionist". Bess & Jack Sawyer & Lila drove over this afternoon and back again this evening. Will wheeled out to jack's tonight and back again.
Saturday, October 6:
A very cold and windy day, Lila is over at Geordie's.
Sunday, October 7:
A windy day. Bess, Geordie & Jack Sawyer & Lila came over this morning, Lila & I walked to Sunday School. Wellie Caswell was here this morning. We got a ride home with Wellie from church. Fan came over this morning. Fan & I walked to English Church and back again. Fan & I walked to night church together and walked home together, Lou & Daunt were at our place when we got home. Fan stayed all night. |
Monday, October 8:
A cold windy day with rain at night. Fan, Mother & I drove to Cargill this morning. We met an automobile when we were coming home but we got along alright. I drove Fan to McKee's before dinner. I wheeled over to Geodie's tonight,
Tuesday, October 9:
A cold and very wet day. Bess & I were very busy. Geordie & I played euchre tonight, I got three games out of five.
Wednesday, October 10:
A couple of inches of snow this morning. Geordie drove me over home this morning. Mrs. Sandy McKee drove up with a letter for me from Fan ( sad news ). Mother, Ida & Father drove over to Daunt's this morning. Father came back but Ida & Mother stayed. Mrs McKee called here when she was going home. Lila & I drove down to Pinkerton today.
Thursday, October 11:
A nice bright day but cold. I was keeping house all day, I am baking bread today. Alma called for Lila & I and we walked down to Guild. We had considerable fun and excitement before we got home
Friday, October 12:
A nice day. Alma was over here all afternoon and stayed for tea and spent the evening. Vina & Fan came over this evening. We all spent a very pleasant evening. Lila & I went as far as Uncle Adam's with the gjrls when they were going home.
Saturday, October 13:
A warm but windy day. Lila walked over to Geordie's and brought the wheel back w1th her. I wheeled to Cargill after dinner and back again and then I wheeled to Pinkerton for the mail. I got a letter from Sam. Bess, Geordie & Jack Sawyer were over this evening. The squirrel hunt meeting is at L. Houston' s. Will went to it. Mr. Adam Purdy was buried today.
Sunday, October 14:
I did not go to Sunday School or Church today. I stayed home to get the dinner. It is a lovely warm day. Alma came up to our place from morning church. Alma & I walked to English Church. Rev. Mr. Shore and his brother Rev. Merton Shore conducted the services. Alma & I came back to our place for supper. Jim Keyes & Sarah came over to our place after dinner, Uncle Adam, Auntie and Annie May were up for a while. Fan came over tonight and Fan, Alma & I walked to night church. Ern Webb brought Fan & I home. He drove Fan over to McKee's and then he and I went for as far Mutrie's for a drive. Alma went home with Uncle Adam.
Monday, October 15:
A warm day. Geordie Sawyer was over this morning. I rocked the washer in the forenoon and hoed out potatoes in the afternoon. I feel like going to bed early tonight.
Tuesday, October 16:
A warm day. Geordie Sawyer was over this morning. Geordie and Father took five pigs to the Grove. He got $6.25 a cwt. They averaged 190 lbs. each. I wheeled to Metcalfe's this morning and back tonight. Mother was in bed sick when I got home.
Wednesday, October 17:
A warm but windy day. Father is at a bee at the Presbyterian shed. I wheeled to Pinkerton this afternoon. Mother walked down this morning to Pinkerton. Vina & Fan were over for a while this evening. Lila & I went a piece of the way home with them. I trimmed my winter hat after I came home. We called in at Uncle Adam's when we were coming home.
Thursday, October 18:
A little cooler with high wind. Mr. Simon Houston was buried today. We all went to Church this morning to the Thanksgiving Services. There were united services of English and Presbyterian Church in the Presbyterian Church. Father, Mother, Lila, Ida and myself were at home for Thanksgiving. I wheeled to Pinkerton this afternoon. Vina McKee was to come over and we were going for a wheel but she did not come. It rained tonight. We finished our potatoes today.
Friday, October 19:
A dark damp day with rain in the forenoon. Father & I drove to Pinkerton this morning. Father. Mother & I drove down to Pinkerton Church tonight to the annual Thank Offering meeting of the W. F. M. S. Rev. Mr. Elliot lectured on the missions. Refreshments were served after the lecture. We all had a good time.
Saturday, October 20:
A nice day. Mother & I drove down to Preparatory Services and back again. Bess and Jack Sawyer came over this afternoon. Vina McKee called for me this afternoon and we wheeled to Pinkerton. I went back with Bess & Jack and stayed all night.
Sunday, October 21:
A cold and windy day. I called at Sandy McKee's for Fan and we walked out to church. This is Sacrament Sunday. I went with Vina McKee after morning church. We walked through the bush. After dinner Vina & I walked up to Cruikshanks and stayed for tea. We walked back to McKee's in the evening. Vina & I got a ride with Fred McKee to Pinkerton. Alma and Fan walked down. We went to Knox's to Dave Knox's wake. He died this morning at four o'clock in Walkerton Hospital with typhoid fever. Dave was just fifteen years of age. Old Mrs.John Moffat was buried today. Mother, Father and Fan went to the funeral.
Monday, October 22:
A cold wind all day. Mother & I washed this morning. Father, Lila & Ida finished taking in the mangles and then started picking apples. I helped to pick apples in the afternoon.
Tuesday, October 23:
A cold wind. Father, Lila & I drove down to Knox's this morning. The funeral left the house about half past eight. We went with the funeral to Chepstowe. Dave was a schoolmate of ours and a nice little fellow and he will be greatly missed by all. When we got home from the funeral Janet Russell was at our place. She stayed all afternoon. Alma Reid was up this afternoon for a while. We are busy picking apples. Lila wheeled to the fourteenth. Ern Webb called in tonight. Wilson and him were together.
Wenesday, October 24:
A cold day and a wet afternoon. Mrs. Pat Desmond came down this morning and stayed till after dinner. Bill took our dinner set over to Sandy McKee's. I went as far as Uncle Adam's with him.
Thursday, October 25:
A cold and rainy day. Bill went over to Geordie's this forenoon and back again. Lila went as far as Sandy McKee's with him. She is going to mind their baby. Bill went this afternoon to Jim Wilson's to the target shooting. Geordie brought Jack Sawyer over this afternoon. I was catching apples for a little while this afternoon. Ern Webb called for me at six o'clock and we went to the squirrel hunt supper on the fourteenth at Sandy McKee's, Ern was on the winning side. I had a highspifiglorious time. Vina McKee & I waited on the dining room table and Kate Craikshanks & Fan waited on the kitchen table. Alma Reid came home with Ern & I. It was a very, very dark night. I told Ern some things I had been hearing.
Friday, October 26:
A cold and windy day. Geordie, Bess and Jack Sawyer came over this morning. Geordie and Bill went to Cargill and then back for dinner. Lila came home from McKee's.
Saturday, October 27:
A rainy day. Nothing in particular happened.
Sunday, October 28:
A snowy day. Lila & I walked part of the way to Sunday School, Alma and Ern Reid caught up to us and gave us a ride down. We also got a ride home with them. Mother & I walked over to Uncle Adam's in the afternoon. We stayed till after tea and then Alma, Mother & I walked over to our place and Alma & I walked down to night church. Mr. Scott walked home with Alma & I. We had a picnic.
Monday, October 29:
A nice day but the roads are muddy. We had a lot of work to do today. Lila & I walked over to Geordie's in the afternoon. We were at Sandy McKee's for a few minutes. Lila walked on to Jack's. Geordie and I played euchre tonight, three games and I took two.
Tuesday, October 30:
A cold day. I am at Geordie's today. Geordie and I played euchre tonight. I took two games out of three.
Wednesday, October 31:
A very nice day. Bess & I drove to Cargill this afternoon and back to Geordie's in the evening. Vina & Fan called for me and we went out to see what mischief we could get into. It is Hallowe'en . We met Ern Webb, Wilson Metcalfe and Fred McKee on our travels and we helped them carry Sturgeon's gate up the fourteenth. We had a fair time.
Thursday, November 1:
A nice day and a lovely night. Vina, Fan & I were going to Guild but Geordie was going over home so I had to stay home. Fan and Vina went to Guild.
Friday, November 2:
A nice day. Bess and I were very busy today.
Saturday, November 3:
A nice day. Bess and Geordie went to Pinkerton. I minded Jack. Lila and Ida were over for a while.
Sunday, November 4:
A cold wind. I called on Fan at McKee's this morning. We got a ride to church with Sandy. Fan and I got a ride home with Wellie Caswell from church. Mother, Father and Ida drove over to John Russell's this afternoon. Fan & I walked to night church. Ern Webb drove us home. Ern, Fan & I drove up home for about five minutes and then we went over to Sandy McKee's and left Fan there, then Ern and I went to the sixteenth corner for a drive and Ern drove me down to Geordie's.
Monday, November 5:
A nice day. I am at Geordie's today.
Tuesday, Nonember 6:
A nice day. Bess & I were busy house-cleaning.
Wednesday, November 7:
A nice day. Jack Roumey was at Geordie's for dinner. Jack is inviting people to a party at his place tonight. I walked home this afternoon. I invited John and Sandy McKee's to the party when I was going home. Ern and Fan called for me and we drove the front way to Jack's. We also came back the front way. I went to Geordie's from the party. We had a fair time.
Thursday, November 8:
A cold and rainy day. I feel sleepy today.
Friday, November 9:
A cold wind all day. Geordie drove to Chepstowe this afternoon. I came over home with him. Mother drove me to Pinkerton and then over to Geordie's.
Saturday, November 10:
A cold and snowy day. Nelson Flett is working here today. Will got possession of Billy R. He bought him from Ern.
Sunday, November 11:
A nice but cold day. Geordie, Bess, Frank, Jack Sawyer and myself came over in the buggy. Bess, Frank and Geordie wentt to the tenth to see Mrs. Tom Sawyer's young son. I walked to morning church and back again. Bess, Geordie and Jack Sawyer were here for supper. I went as far as Uncle Adam's with them when they were going home.Bertha Reid was at Uncle Adam's when I got there.The three of us stsrted off walking to night church but when we got to the gate Ern Webb drove along and gave us a ride down to church. Ern drove Alma and I home. He took Alma home first and then drove me up home. Bertha went to Albert Pinkerton's. She works there. |
Monday, November 12:
A cold day. Ethel Mutrie and Dolly Bell were here this afternoon collecting for the Bible Class. I am sick today. I think I have got the grippe.
Tuesday, November 13:
A cold day. I was sick all forenoon. Aunt Effie came up to help Mother to pluck the ducks. I feel a great deal better this afternoon and was able to pluck some of the ducks. I got a leather post card tonight through the office. Lila & I went home with Auntie and stayed for a short time.
Wenesday, November 14:
A very nice day. Mother & I are busy sewing. Alma was to call and we were going to Nick Garland's but Alma did not come. Mother and Will drove to Cargill this morning with 14 ducks. They were 8 cents a lb.
Thursday, November 15:
A cold day. Alma called for Lila & I and we walked down to Guild. We had a very interesting temperance lesson. Mr. Scott walked with us girls to tlie corner and then across with Alma.
Friday, November 16:
A cold but nice day. Nothing in particular happened today.
Saturday, November 17:
A cold and rainy day. Father drove to Pinkerton this
forenoon. Lila, Ida & I walked to Pinkerton this afternoon to practice for the Christmas Tree. Willie Cruikshanks caught up to Lila and I with the wagon coming home and he walked up with us.
Sunday, November 18:
A windy but warm day. Lila and I walked to morning church and Fan walked back with us. Mother, Father and Ida drove over to Geordie's this afternoon. It is a dark and wind night. Lila & I walked over to the fourteenth corner with Fan when she was going home. We did not go to night church. We met Will Cruikshanks and Will Stuart when we were going over. They turned around and came to the fourteenth also. Fan went from the corner herself and Will Cruikshanks and I walked together and Will Stuart and Lila.
Monday, November 19:
A cold and windy day. Mother and Father drove to Cargill this morning. Wilson Metcalfe and Sandy McKee called here this morning to speak to Will. I walked over to Geordie's Monday afternoon and stayed all night. Geordie, Bess and I played euchre. I did not see a game.
Tuesday, November 20:
A damp day but not so cold. Bess made soap today. Fan was down tonight. We played euchre. Fan and I beat Geordie and Bess. I went as far as far as Richardson's gate with Fan when she was going home.
Wednesday, November 21:
A rainy day. Mrs. Sturgeon was over this afternoon.
Thursday, November 22:
A cold day with snow and very, very windy. Bess and Jack Sawyer and I drove over home. Bess and Lila drove to Cargill after dinner. Geordie walked up here after Sam Garland's sale and drove Bess home. Lila and I did not go to Guild.
Friday, November 23:
A cold and windy day. I walked down to Pinkerton this forenoon. I went over to Albert Pinkerton's and had my dinner there.
Saturday, November 24:
A nice day. Lila and Ida walked down to practice. Alma called for me but I did not go. Bill and I drove over to Metcalfe's and stayed all night.
Sunday, November 25:
A nice day, very rainy and disagreeable night. Will drove up to Bruce this morning. Wilson came up before dinner. We went to Sunday School and Church. I could not get home tonight. |
Monday, November 26:
A rainy day but nice night. Lou and Daunt brought me home tonight.
Tuesday, November 27:
A nice day with a little snow. Lila was home from school today sick. Will and I went up to spend the evening at Wilson's. We played euchre. I was very successful. It was a lovely bright night.
Wednesday, November 28:
A nice day. Alma was over this afternoon. Wes Caswell was up for a few minutes,
Thursday, November 29 :
A nice day. Alma called for Lila and I tonight and we walked to Guild. I read the twenty-seventh psalm. It was a lovely night and we walked home.
Friday, November 30:
A windy cold and disagreeable day. Ern Webb called for me at 8 o'clock and we drove to Cargill to a concert in the Methodist Church. It was the Bell Ringers, the Eckhart Family, It was the best concert I was ever at. We were a little late but however got a seat.
Saturday, December 1:
A cold and very snowy day. Alma called for me this afternoon and we walked down to the church to practice. Alma and I went to
Pinkerton's for tea and in the evening Norman Birrell and Arthur Campbell came to Pinkerton's. We practiced our dilalogne for the Christmas Tree.
Sunday, December 2:
A snowy day. Cutters and buggies are both out today. I got my first cutter ride today. Fan and I got a ride home with Mrs. Mutrie from morning church. Fan and I got a ride down to night church with Wes Caswell. Ern Webb drove Fan and I home. We took Fan over to McKee's and then Ern drove me home. |
Monday, December 3:
A nice day. Sleighing is good. Will drove over to Geordie's this afternoon. Nelson Flett is working at Geordie's,
Tuesday, December 4:
A stormy day. Nelson is here today. Ern Webb came down tonight. Nelson and I played euchre against Geordie and Ern. They beat us. Mrs. Isaac McFadyen was buried today.
Wednesday, December 5:
A nice day but very snowy. Geordie and I played euchre. Geordie beat.
Thursday, December 6 :
A snowy day. Mr. & Mrs. Tapir Stewart and Mr. & Mrs. Rob Stewart, a newly married couple from Simcoe, came to Geordie's tonight and had their tea. Rob Stewart and I played euchre against Geordie and Tapir Stewart. They beat.
Friday, December 7:
A cold and snowy day. Geordie and I played euchre tonight.
Saturday, December 8:
A cold and snowy day. I walked home this afternoon. I stayed at Uncle Adam's for tea. Alma and I walked home and then Will drove Alma and I to Pinkerton to practice at Pinkerton's. We had a fine practice. It was a lovely night.
Sunday, December 9:
A warm day. Lila and I got a ride to church with Sutherlands. Wilson Metcalfe brought us home. Wilson was at our place for dinner. Bess, Geordie and Jack Sawyer came over in the afternoon. Ern Webb called for me tonight at half past six and we drove to the Baptist Church in Glamis. Alexander Lorrie, the Evangelist, was the chief speaker. I called in home for a few minutes coming back and then went over to Geordie's. There was a pretty cold east wind.
Monday, December 10:
A nice day. Nelson Flett was working at Geordie's today.
Tuesday, December 11 :
A nice day. Bess and I were very busy all day. Bill Stewart came down and spent the evening, Bill and I played euchre against Geordie and Bess. We had very fair luck.
Wednesday, December 12:
A cold wind all day. This is the day of Walkerton Fair. Bess, Jack Sawyer and I drove over as far as Uncle Adam's and then I walked home from there. Lila went back to Geordie's in my place.
Thursday, December 13:
A nice day. We heard at noon today that Bobby Killen hung himself last night in the surcingle. It was supposed he was playing with the surcingle when he met his death. Alma and Uncle Adam called for me and we drove to Guild and back.
Friday, December 14:
A windy forenoon and wet sleety snow in the afternoon. Bobby Kllen was buried this afternoon. Mother and Father went to the funeral and I kept house.
Saturday, December 15 :
A cold day. Father, Mother, & I drove to Cargill this morning. I was cold when I got home. I walked down to practice this afternoon but got a ride home with Aunt Esther. I was to go back to practice our dialogue at night but was sick at night.
Sunday, December 16:
A nice day. I was in bed all forenoon. Fan came home after church. I got ready to go to English Church butt was not able to walk that far. Fan & I walked over to Uncle Adam's to see Alma who was also on the sick list. I felt a lot better after my walk and wentt to night church. Fan and I gott a ride home with Fred and Vina McKee. It was a lovely night.
Monday, December 17:
I had a very sore throat all day. It is a nice calm but frosty day. Uncle Adam and Alma drove up for me tonight and we went down to D. Pinkerton's to practice our dialogue.
Tuesday, December 18:
A lovely calm frosty day. I have the toothache, earache and sore throat today. Father and I left home about five o'clock. We called in at Sandy McKee's for a few minutes and then we drove down to Geordie's for a few minutes. Then we drove up to Metcalfe's and stayed for a couple of hours. Mr. Bell, the Evangelist, holds meetings in Purdy's Church now.
Wednesday, December 19:
A lovely clear and frosty day. I have the sore throat still and a slightt touch of toothache. Mother and I were very busy today. Alam Reid and Melville came up this evening, also Norman Birrell and Arthur Campbell to practice our dialogue. We had a very good practice.
Thursday, December 20:
A nice warm day. I have a very sore throat and a terrible toothache. Father and I drove to Uncle Adam's and then down to Pinkerton. We called at D. Elphick's coming up. Father got the loan of Dave's yoke of oxen and he drove the oxen home and I drove the horse. Alma called for me to go to Guild. Wilson Metcalfe and Will drove up here just as Alma and I were about to leave. Will hitched up and Alma got a ride with Will and I got a ride with Wilson. After Guild Vina McKee, Alma, Fan and I started walking. Will and Ern Webb caught up to us and gave Alma and I a ride to the corner. Then Ern and I walked up while Will drove Alma over home. Wilson drove up and waited till Will put his horse away and then gave the two lads a ride home.
Friday, December 21:
A warm day. I have a very sore throat today but no toothache.
Saturday, December 22:
A cold wind and a steady snow fall. Alma and I walked down to Pinkerton this afternoon to practice and back again. Alma came up for tea. Uncle Adam is also here for tea. He is working here today. Alma & I walked to Pinkerton to practice tonight and back again. We had practice in the church tonight. We got along fairly well but did a considerable bit of laughing. Alma and I walked hone, I got home at ten o'clock and studied the dialogue till twelve o'clock.
Sunday, December 23:
A very cold day. A keen frosty wind. Fan walked over for a few minutes today. I went back to the bush on the fourteenth with her and I called in at Uncle Adam's when I was coming back. I stayed for tea. Aunt Mary and cousin Mary Reid were there. Johnny took Alma and I to night church and brought us back again. Ern and I intended going for a drive tonight but it was so cold we did not go. |
Monday, December 24:
A cold and snowy day. Alma and I walked down to Pinkerton this afternoon to practice our dialogue. Nelson Flett drove us home. Mabel Stuart and Ella Cruikshanks were at our place when I got home. Mabel, Ella and I walked down to the Christmas Tree. Ern Webb drove me home. We went as far as Alexander's for a drive. The Christmas Tree was real good. I was just in two pieces, a dialogue entitled "The Diplomacy of Mrs. Collins". I was Mrs. Collins, Norman Birrell was my husband Pa Collins and Alma Reid was the daughter Susie Collins. Arthur Campbell was Alma's beau by name of Luke Thompson. We got through it alright. I was also in a motion song "Lead Kindly Light". Ern gave me a Christmas Box tonight. It was a sweet little bracelet. Lou and Fan both stayed here all night.
Tuesday, December 25 :
A very nice day. This is Christmas Day. We are well at home. Jack & Beck Roumey, Auntie & Uncle Adam, Johnny, Angus, Ernest, Melville and Alma Reid, A.M. McMillan, Daunt & Lou, Geordie, Bess and Jack Sawyer, Mother, Father, Fan, Lila, Ida and myself were all present today for dinner. All of Uncle Adam's family and Fan and I went to Uncle Adam's for tea. We spent the early part of the evening by learning to waltz. Fan and I cane home very early, Daunt & Lou, Jack & Beck were still at our place when Fan & I got home. This afternoon Father hitched up the horse and Fan, Alma, Lila and myself drove over to Sandy McKee's and then down to Pinkerton for the mail. We met Norman Birrell in Pinkerton and he came with us for a drive. We had a very good time all day. Fan is staying all night.
Wednesday, December 26:
A nice calm morning but cold wind towards evening. Fan & I drove Net into Paisley. Fan got her teeth filled with gold. We called at Sandy McKee's when we were going to Paisley and we called again coming back. Lila took Fan's place at McKee's while she went to Paisley. I went down to Geordie's and stayed there and Lila took the horse home.
Thursday, December 27:
A lovely calm day. The roads are immmense. I went out to Pinkerton with Geordie Mateer through the bush on the sleigh. Bess & Jack Sawyer went to Sturgeon's. When I came back I went up to Sturgeon's for Bess. Fan came down this evening. Will came from the mill for supper at Geordie's. It is a grand night, as bright as day.
Friday, December 28:
A nice day. I walked over home this afternoon. Father & Ida drove over this afternoon. I called in at Uncle Adam's and and waited till Alma got ready for the Oyster Supper. Alma and I wa1ked over home. Tom Sawyer caught up with us before we had gone very far and gave us a ride down to Pinkerton. Alma & I ate supper together, then we went to the gallery together. We got into a seat with J. Groves, E. Cruikshanks & N. Birrell and others. But J. G. & E. C. & myself went back into the next seat and Norman came back and sat beside me. The programme was very good but the dance was not, very exciting. Ern Webb dr ove Fan & I home. I went to Geordie' s tonight.. It was half past three when I got in.
Saturday, December 29:
A nice day. I was up this morning at half past five. I went to bed early tonight.
Sunday, December 30:
A very soft day. I called at McKee's for Fan and we walked
up to Metcalfe' s this afternoon. Mr. Jack Metcalfe, the blacksmith, and his wife and children were ar Daunt's this forenoon. Fan and I went to Sunday School and Church at Purdy's Church. Mr. Bell, the Evangelist, preached. He is a good talker but I don't go in for everything he says. When we got home Alma Reid and Harvey and Wilson Metcalfe were there. Jack Metcalfe's went home before tea. It just poured rain from supper time until the next morning. Fan, Harvey and Alma drove home. Ern Webb called at Metcalfe's for me. Ern put his horse in and stayed for a while and then we drove down to Geordie's through a very heavy shower of rain. I gave E.W. a gold locket. Geordie Sawyer broughtt his mother down this afternoon.
Monday, December 31:
A wet, day. The snow is scarce. I walked over to Sturgeon's this morning. I washed, churned & scrubbed today. Harvey drove over tonight. Fan came down tonight. Fan & I went back with Harvey. I came home. Geordie and Fan played euchre against Harvey & I. We beat. It was a very stormy night. We got home at twelve o'clock. |