Descendants of Ootger OOTJER & Maartje KOSTELIJK
Second Generation 
2. Ariaen Ootgerzn OOTJERS (Ootger Jansz1) was born about 1655 in , , Noord-Holland, Netherlands and died in 1694 in , , Noord-Holland, Netherlands aged about 39. Another name for Ariaen was SCHOTVANGER.
Ariaen married Trijn Bartelmies. Trijn was born about 1660 in , , Noord-Holland, Netherlands.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 4 M i. Pieter Aarjensz OOTJERS was born about 1677 in Noord-Scharwoude, , Noord-Holland, Netherlands1 and died on September 23, 1733 in Noord-Scharwoude, , Noord-Holland, Netherlands1 aged about 56.
3. Seger OOTJERS (Ootger Jansz1) was born on July 9, 1656 in Oudkarspel, , Noord-Holland, Netherlands1 and died on March 6, 1726 in Noord-Scharwoude, , Noord-Holland, Netherlands1 aged 69.
Seger married Maartje Jansdr WIT, daughter of Jan WIT. Maartje was born in 1660 in Broek op Langedijk, , Noord-Holland, Netherlands and died in 1715 in Noord-Scharwoude, , Noord-Holland, Netherlands aged 55.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 5 F i. Baafje Segers OOTJERS was born on May 9, 1683 in Noord-Scharwoude, , Noord-Holland, Netherlands1 and died on November 17, 1749 in Noord-Scharwoude, , Noord-Holland, Netherlands1 aged 66.