Descendants of Alexander and Elizabeth CHAMBERS
Third Generation 
16. Thomas John CHAMBERS (Thomas2, Alexander1) was born on Aug 6, 1822 in Woolwich, , Kent, England,7 was christened on Aug 29, 1824 in Saint Mary Magdalene, Woolwich, Kent, England,7 and died in Apr 1864 in , , Kent Co, England aged 41.
Thomas had a child.
His child was:
+ 24 M i. Charles William CHAMBERS was born in Jun 1840 in Woolwich, , Kent, England2 and died about Aug 1879 in London, , Greater London, England aged about 39.
17. Elizabeth Ann CHAMBERS (Thomas2, Alexander1) was born on Aug 11, 1824 in Woolwich, , Kent, England6,7 and was christened on Aug 29, 1824 in Saint Mary Magdalene, Woolwich, Kent, England.7
• Elizabeth resided at Woolwich Dockyard in , Charlton Next Woolwich Parish, Kent, England in 1841.
Elizabeth had a child.
Her child was:
+ 25 F i. Emily Jane CHAMBERS was born in 1845 in Woolwich, , Kent, England and died on Jul 14, 1898 in Poplar, Isle of Dogs, Middlesex, England aged 53.
21. Eleanor CHAMBERS (Thomas2, Alexander1) was born on Oct 31, 1831 in Woolwich, , Kent, England,4,7 was christened on Nov 25, 1831 in Saint Mary Magdalene, Woolwich, Kent, England, and died in Jun 1883 in Essex, , Greater London, England1 aged 51.
• Eleanor resided at Woolwich Dockyard in Woolwich, , Kent, England in 1851.
Eleanor married Thomas ANDERSON, son of James ANDERSON and Mary HENDRY, on Dec 14, 1828 in Forres, , Morayshire, Scotland.2 Thomas was born on Apr 30, 1827 in Forres, , Morayshire, Scotland,2 was christened on May 10, 1827 in Forres, , Morayshire, Scotland, and died on Aug 6, 1897 in Wanstead, , Essex, England2 aged 70.
Children from this marriage were:
26 F i. Barbara ANDERSON was born in Mar 1856 in Lewisham, Greater London, Kent, England2 and died on Feb 14, 1940 in Honiton, , Devonshire, England2 aged 83.
+ 27 M ii. Thomas George ANDERSON was born about 1863 in Aberdeen, , Aberdeen, Scotland.2
22. Alexander CHAMBERS (Thomas2, Alexander1) was born on Aug 24, 1833 in , Charlton Next Woolwich Parish, Kent, England,7 was christened on Sep 15, 1833 in Saint Mary Magdalene, Woolwich, Kent, England,7 and died in Jun 1910 in Medway, , Kent Co, England1 aged 76.
• He served in the British Navy, enlisting on on Apr 23, 1862.
• He worked as a Naval Steam Reserve and lived at 28 Cromwell St. In 1891 in Chatham, , Kent, England.
Alexander married Elizabeth DRAYLAND, daughter of Edwin DRAYLAND, on Jun 21, 1874 in Chatham, , Kent, England.8 Elizabeth was born in 1847 in , , , England.8
Children from this marriage were:
28 F i. Caroline CHAMBERS was born in Sep 1875 in Medway, , Kent Co, England.8
+ 29 F ii. Mary Ann CHAMBERS was born about 1877 in , , Kent Co, England.