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Paisley Public School Yearbook


Last year in late November the Public Speaking Contest was eld in the Paisley Town Hall. The contestants from Room III were as follows, -- Lois Linstead, Diane McKenzie, Sylvia Grant, Dan Gregg, and Donald Hagedorn.
The prize winners out of these were Dan Gregg who took third prize and Sylvia Grant who won second. We think all those pupils did exceptionally well. Perhaps one of these competitors will win first prize next year.

Donald Hagedorn


Our Christmas Concert was held in the Town Hall. Room III had many fine numbers. Grade VI put on a Cinderella Play with Lois Linstead as Cinderella; Beverley Parker as the PrinceMaxine Neilly and Florence Wrightson as the two sisters. Donna Hopper was the Fairy Godmother. Grade V put on folk dances and two coral reading numbers. Sylvia Grant sang a solo. Next year we hope to have an even better play.


Where are they now ??
Donald Black Blackie Dentist Lives in Listowel, Ontario
Jimmy Burton Bertie Detective Lived in St. Johns NFLD, passed away 2002
Sylvia Grant Saz Teacher married Ross Hettrick, has three boys and a girl and lives in Paisley.
Donald Hagedorn Amos Miller  
Donna Hopper Don Nurse married David Nathanson.
Lois Linstead Lory Nurse  
Harry McArthur Henry Farmer Deceased
Maxine Neilly Max Hair Dresser married Ron Williams lives in London, Ont.
Beverly Parker Bev Artist Deceased. Married Shelley and lived in Paisley.
Bobby Reeves Feezer Carpenter Deceased
Bill Stoddart Porky Carpenter Deceased
Diane McKenzie Iodine Nurse  
Florence Wrightson Murphy Nurse
Click on the eyes to see more .............
If you have additional information about these people please e-mail us and we will update.

A kind old lady was walking past the school one day and stopped to admire one of the trees growing in front of the building and said, "Oh, what a beautiful Oak! If you could only speak to me, what would you say?"
Small Boy -- "It would likely say, "Pardon Me, Lady, but I'm a Maple."

The Fishermen
A Three Act Play by Jimmy Burton

ACT I ........... Place: A hill west of town.
Miss C. -- "Why arn't you boys in school to-day?"
Boys -- "Our teacher is sick."
ACT II ........... Place: The same ............. Time: Two hours later.
Miss C. -- "How is your husband to-day?"
Mrs. B. -- "Oh, he's quite well, thank you."
Miss C. -- (Muttering) -- "Humph! Couldn't have been very sick!"
ACT III ............. Place: A town street. ................... Time: Still later.
Willie S. -- "Hey, you guys, did you catch anything?"
D.H. and B.J. -- "We-e-e-ll, we haven't been home yet." .................. Curtain

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