Paisley Public School Yearbook


Our Fall fair was held in early September at the fair grounds. Diane got first prize in her soap carving. Carol got first prize in her linoleum design. Maxine got first prize in modelling a dish and in crafts. She made booties, a pot-holder, a pillow case, and a travelling case. We hope to get more prizes next year.

Barabara Watt

Even a fool when he holdeth his peace is counted wise;
and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding
...................... Proverbs

Where are they now ??
Larry Bender Lard Farmer lives in Southampton
Harold Brough Tuffy Farmer married ? Turnbull
Jimmie Cottrill Cottontail Farmer married Mary McDonald and lives in Paisley
George Clayton Pud Farmer  
Jim Ellis Elly Mechanic married Marilyn Cole, divorced and lives in Kitchener
Dan Gregg Green Boy Preacher Passed away 2007. Kathy, his wife still lives in Paisley.
Bill Johnston Johnston Mechanic married Carolyn Kirk and has three children.
Donna Matthews Carrots Nurse  
Carole McArthur Chip Teacher  
Bob McClure Pro Author married Iona Virtue and lives at Pike Lake
Lorraine McGillivray Rain Teacher lives in Owen Sound.
Diane McKenzie Iodine Nurse  
Calvin McNeill Kally Carpenter  
Lauren Oullett      
Barbara Watt Nigger Teacher was married to Ivan Wonch, has a daughter Cheryl, lives in Paisley
Bernice Willson Niece Nurse  
Click on the eyes to see more .........
If you have additional information about these people please e-mail us and we will update.

WHAT WE'LL BE ........ by Carole McArthur

Now we pupils are thinking of work,
At eighteen, twenty or twenty-three
George, Larry and Jimmy Cottrill
Believe they will farmers be.
Lots of school teachers we can see
They are Lorraine, Diane, and me.
Lorne wants a policeman's uniform;
Barbara sets out for the office every morn;
Bobby thinks he'll be the doctor
Curing People every day.
Donna is the hair dresser
Making people pretty as can be,
Bill and Harold are carpenters
Making tables and chairs for me.
Calvin is a barber, cutting people's hair.
Jimmy Ellis wants to build big bridges
At which job he hopes to be fair.