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Paisley Public School Yearbook

While driving through a strange communitythe motorist observed the following traffic sign:
"Go slow. Beware children crossing here. Wait for the Teacher."

Where are they now?

Ron Abbs married Vickie Grant, lives in Paisley has two children, Jim & Kathy and grandchildren.
Donna Boyd  
Karen Carlaw married and lives in Alberta
Maribel Farrow lives in Paisley married Rex Acton. Rex recently passed away.
David Forester lives in Vancouver.
Gloria Howe married Harvey Bell has three children Michael, Shannon & Erin, lives in Gobels Grove and has grandchildren.
Margaret Kyte lives in Owen Sound.
Elaine Majury married Gene Martin and lives in Sarnia
Mary McClure married Gary Ingram. Mary passed away some years ago.
Rory McDonald Deceased.
Catherine McMullin married John Mitchell, they have children and live in London.
Marilyn Munro Deceased.
Delena Oulette  
Harold Rowley married and had five children. He is now divorced and lives in Burlington.
Lynda Sawyer married Bruce McLaren lived in Paisley, had children. Bruce is deceased.
Kees Vanderplas married Kathy Watson, live in Oakville, have two children Kristy & Rob
Kenny Watt was killed in a car accident in 1960 on the Elora Road south of Paisley.
Dona Willson  
If you have additional information about these people please e-mail us and we will update.

Dad --- "Well son, what did you learn in school to-day ?"
Son --- "I learned to say "Yes, Sir", "No, Sir" and "Yes. Ma'am", "No, Ma'am."
Dad ---"You did ?"
Son --- "Yeah !"

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