The following publications are in my library and I would be only too happy to
look up references to people and places for those doing research in this area.

BY h. bELDON & cO., 1880

Editor's Note: This volume is a reprint of material pertaining to Grey and Bruce Counties , 1880 –90. The bulk of the book comes from the Beldon Dominion of Canada Atlases of 1880. In addition we have included Owen Sound and Walkerton maps from Miles' Ontario Atlas 1879; sketches from Grant's Picturesque Canada; Evans' Bruce Directory, 1880; Union Farmers Directory of Grey, 1890; and a bird's eye view of Owen Sound kindly loaned by John Harrison. ……. Ross Cumming, Editor.

Reprinted by Cummings Atlas Reprints 1975
Atlas online

DIRECTORY OF THE COUNTY OF BRUCE, CANADA WEST - 1867 Originally Published by J.W. ROOKLIDGE ..... Reprinted by Bruce Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society

The County is devoid of mountains and hills ; the frontier of the County near the lake presents, adjoining a silvery plain somewhat elevated banks, with here and there a deeply indented ravine in which the drainage from the water troughs finds an outlet to the lake, ......... but the settlement of which belongs to the past. The Indians were somewhat numerous at one time but are now comparatively few ; they appear during the fall and winter for hunting purposes, when they usually kill many of the deer species with flint locks, used by them with unerring aim. The males are of medium size, weatherbeaten in appearance, with bare heads, long jet black hair, high cheek bones, wide mouths and short foreheads: on their feet they have moccasins, on their legs coarse blankets tied tightly with buckskin thongs, each has a blanket and a hatchet and a smoking pipe with a long wooden stem.

History of the Presbyterian Church in Canada - by W. Gregg D.D.

"Of all, or nearly all, the Presbyterian ministers who laboured in the Dominion previous to 1835 brief biographical sketches are given in this volumn. The preparation of these has been to me a labour of love. I have felt a deep and growing interest in the early fathers and founders of our Church. My own limited experience of missionary labours in the backwoods, and of the journeyings over almost impassable roads, has enabled me to sympathize with the Pioneers of Presbyterianism in the Provinces ............ " William Gregg, Dec 14, 1885.

Published in 1885 and purchased by William BROCKIE (1826-1905) in 1889.

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