Births, Marriages, Deaths and Cemetery TRANSCRIPTIONS

The following publications are in my library and I would be only too happy to
look up references to people and places for those doing research in this area.

Births, Marriages, and Deaths from 1871 to 1900 Transcribed by Jim & kay GREGG
Prepared for the Bruce County Genealogical Society

Bruce County Marriage Registers 1858 - 1880

These marriage records were originally compiled by the Registrar General from returns sent in by local officials

Transcribed by Jim & Kay GREGG
Prepared for the Bruce County Genealogical Society

Cemetery Records

Paisley Cemetery - Paisley, Bruce County (Elderslie Township)
Starkvale Cemetery - Paisley, Bruce County (Greenock Township)
Douglas Hill Cemetery - Eden Grove, Bruce County (Brant Township)
Purdy's Cemetery - 14th Con, Greenock Twp, Bruce County
Lovat Cemetery - 8th Con, Bruce Twp, Bruce County, Ontario
Port Bruce / Baie de Dore Cemetery - 7th Con, Bruce Twp, Bruce County

Births, Marriages & Deaths in Bruce Township

Compiled from Township Records by Hilda Downey.
Transcribed and indexed by Jim & Kay Gregg in 1997.

The Transcriptions above have been published by the Bruce County Genealogical Society
and can be purchased.
Click on the BCGS banner to see all their publications.

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