Sunday, July 1 1906 :
A dark morning with a little rain. The afternoon was nice. Lila & I walked down to church in the forenoon. Sam & I drove to Jack Roumey's on the 12th of Brant after dinner. They were not at home so went down to Butcher's. They came to Butcher's after we were there a while. Beck & I drove out. to the Grove in the evening and Sam & Jack. Sam & I came from the Grove to Pinkerton church. We were very late for church. Ern Webb drove me home from church. We went to the fourteenth and around the block for a drive. It was a lovely night. Sam drove Fan home from church.
Monday, July 2
A dark day and very much like rain. This is the day of the excursion to Port Elgin. Auntie Effie, Melville & Ernest Reid and Bess came over in the afternoon and we all ( Lila & I ) went picking berries. We had an excellent time. We got about four quarts of berries.
Tuesday, July 3:
A nice day. I washed and scrubbed this forenoon. Mrs. Sandy McKee, Adeline Reid, & Aunt Effie came over this afternoon. Bess was over all day. Alma called for me and we went through the bush to Russels. We called in at Cruikshanks when we were coming home. Kate came a piece of the way with us and then we all sat down on the side of the road and talked and laughed for about half an hour. Alma & I went on down and we saw Vina McKee at the corner. We went down with her and stayed for a little while and then the three of us called for Fan. Fan & Vina came over near Uncle Adam's with us. We sat on the side of the road for a long time, then Alma & I went home,
Wednesday, July 4:
A very nice day. Nothing in particular happened today,
Thursday, July 5:
A nice forenoon but cool towards evening. I walked to Geordie's in the forenoon and got the wheel and Vina McKee and I wheeled up to the fourteenth. I called at Uncle Tom's going up. Vina and I called at Flett's and Cruikshanks. Kate Cruikshanks wheeled up to McNally's for dinner with me and Vina and went to McAfee's, Kate went home after dinner, and Vina & I wheeled up to the picnic. We went on up to the bush west of Purdy's and stayed for a long time. I fell off the wheel twice and Vina fell off once. We did not get hurt but I sprung the front wheel. We had a very fair time. I had seven swings, two with Ella Cruikshanks, two with Lena MacNally, one with Vina McKee, one with Scott Webb and one with Bill Stuart. Bill Sturart drove me home.
Friday, July 6:
A very nice day. Bess, Auntie, Ida & I went to pick berries. We did not get many. I was sick and did not pick many berries. Auntie was at our place for supper. Lila & I walked down to Guild tonight and back again.
Saturday, July 7:
A nice day with a slight shower of rain. Mrs. Bell oil was at our place in the afternoon and for tea. I wheeled over to John McKee's in the eveging and Vina & I wheeled up to the baseball match in the evening. We had a good time, Ern Webb wheeled home with me and Bill Stuart with Vina. I left the wheel at McKee's and walked to the twelfth.
Sunday, July 8:
It rained in the forenoon but was nice in the afternoon. We drove to Sunday School in the morning. Sam & I walked to afternoon church. Sam & I drove to night church. Ern Webb walked home with me. Widow McKee died tonight. |
Monday, July 9:
A nice day. Bess & Jack Sawyer drove over for me in the morning. Bess was not very well. I came over to Geordie's with them. Jim Wilson, Pa, Will & Geordie are shingling Geordie's barn. I was up to Sandy McKee's tonight.
Tuesday, July 10:
A nice day. Widow McKee was buried this afternoon at Douglass Cemetery, Bess & Geordie were at the funeral this afternoon. I kept house and minded Jack. Jack was sick in the afternoon. Dr. Totham was here tonight and Jack has pneumonia. Bess & Mrs. Sturgeon stayed up all night. I stayed up till half past two.
Wednesday, July 11.
A nice day. Mrs. Sandy McKee was here today. Geordie went after his mother. Mother was over tonight. I was over home tonight. Fan came back with me.
Thursday, July 12:
A nice day. Ern Webb called here at one o'clock and took Fan & I to Paisley. It was very hot. We had a fair time. We went to a garden party in Paisley at night.
Friday, July 13:
A nice day. Fan & I walked down to Guild and back again.
Saturday, July 14:
A rainy day. Vina McKee and I went over home tonight. Sam walked back with us.
Sunday, July 15:
A nice day but very sultry & warm. I was at Geordie's all day. Mr. & Mrs. Stuart were down. Fan also was down. I slept nearly all day. Fan & I walked through the bush to night church. Joe Stuart walked home with Fan & Ern Webb walked home with me. |
Monday, July 16:
A rainy day. Mr. Jakes & Mrs. Jim McKee and Bill Stuart were at Geordie's tonight. Vina McKee and I wheeled up to I Metcalf' s and back again.
Tuesday, July 17:
A nice day with a shower of rain in the afternoon. I was over at W.J. McKee' s this morning. Geordie Mateer was over here this morning. Mrs. Sturgeon was over this evening. Bess was raking hay today and I was chief cook. It's a snap. I was over at Sturgeon's for a few minutes. Fan came down tonight. I went a piece of the way with her when she went home.
Wednesday, July 18:
A nice day. Bill Roumey was over this afternoon. Lila came over and her & I went picking berries. We did not get very many. Jack Sawyer is sick today. I wheeled up to S. McKee's tonight. Fan was to come with me to Auntie Esther's. I called in at Sturgeon's on my way up. Joe Stuart was there and he wheeled up to Sandy McKee's. Fan was over at John McKee's so Joe & I went over there. Ern Webb & Wilson Metcalfe were also there. We stayed the rest of the evening. Ern borrowed Joe's wheel and wheeled home with me.
Thursday, July 19:
A nice day. I was over at Sturgeon's this morning. Ida Roumey was here for a while this afternoon. She came from the 14th of Brant. Fan & Vina were to call for me and we were going to Pinkerton, but as it looked very much like rain they did not come. Tom Sawyer was here this evening. Mrs. Sturgeon came over tonight as we were going to bed.
Friday, July 20:
A nice cool day. I got a ride to the corner with Geordie when he was going to Pinkerton and walked the rest of the way home. Mother went over to Auntie Esther's this afternoon. Ern & Melville Reid were up this evening. We had a fine time.
Saturday, July 21:
A nice day. Alma Reid & Belle Pitcher were over this evening.
Sunday, July 22:
A nice day with a rain shower in the evening. Lila & I walked to Sunday School. We got a ride with Wilson Metcalfe part of the way home. Geordie was at our place in the afternoon. Wilson was in to our place in the afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Chick & children were in this evening. Sam, Fan & I drove to night church and back again. Sam & I drove Fan over to the fourteenth. Daunt & Lou drove over after me and I went back with them. |
Monday, July 23:
A very hot day. Lou & I picked berries all day. We got twenty quarts. I was a pretty sick girl at night.
Tuesday, July 24:
A nice day. Fan wheeled up this evening. Wilson Metcalfe drove up this eventng. I went down a piece home with Fan.
Wednesday, July 25:
A nice day. Lou & I were picking berries today. I went up to Normal Study with the girls tonight but as there was no meeting we went for a walk. Joe Stuart walked home with me. I got an introduction to Miss Slocum (or George Stuart).
Thursday, July 26:
A very nice day. Lena & Gertie McNally, Bertie McAfee, Mabel, Billy & Joe Stuart came up to Daunt's tonight.. We had a dandy time.
Friday, July 27:
A very nice day. I went to Prayer Meeting tonight with the McNally girls & Joe Stuart & George McClelland. I got an introduction to George McClelland tonight. Lena & I got a ride home with Billy Webb.
Saturday, July 28:
A rainy day but a lovely evening. I called for Lena & we went to the baseball match at Stuart's. I got a ride home with Billy Webb.
Sunday, July 29:
A rainy day. I went to Sunday School & Church at Purdy's Church, After church I went to Stuart's with Mabel. It was Mabel's birthday. W. Metcalfe, Ern Webb, Charlie Madden, Bella & Amos Webb were there. It was a rainy evening. I walked up to Daunt's in the evening accompanied by Ern Webb. |
Monday, July 30:
A hot day. I walked over home in the afternoon & back to Metcalfe's this evening. I called at Uncle Adam's when I was going back. Bess was there and she walked over with me to the fourteenth corner. We met Fan at the corner on the wheel and she came up a piece of the way with me. The Church shed raising was tonight.
Tuesday, July 31:
A nice day. I was over at Bob Wright's today for a few minutes. I went up to Joe Purdy's this evening. Bert Randal, i::ena, Gertie & Lottie McNally; Mabel, Billy, Ethel, George & ?oe Stuart; Jack Groves; Ella Cruikshanks; Ida & Edgar Wilson ?ertie McAfee; & Billy Webb were also there. I had an ~xc:elle.n.t, time. I ate lunch with Joe Stuart and Joe walked tome wiih me
Wednesday, August 1:
A nice day. Lou went to Russells this afternoon. I was keeping house. Mabel & I walked down to Prayer Meeting at Sandy McKee's. McKee's baby was baptised by Rev. Mr. McClennan. It's name is George Milton. Ern Webb walked home with me and Willie Cruikshanks with Mabel.
Thursday, August 2:
A nice day. Lou & Mrs. McNally went to Jin Keyes' this afternoon. I was keeping house. Bill Roumey was over this afternoon. ,
Friday, August, 3:
A nice day. I was at. Prayer Meeting tonight. Joe Stuart led the meeting. Joe walked home with me.
Saturday, August 4 :
A hot day. Mabel Stuart came up this afternoon and we went over to Wright' s for a few minutes and then down to McNally's. We did not get there until tea was over. Lena, Mabel & I went down to Stuart's in the evening and then on to Sandy Carr's. We had a good time at Carr's. Jack Groves loaded the gun and each one of us girls shot out of it. Mabel & Billy Stuart came up to Daunt's gate with me. While we were talking at. the gate Ern Webb & Wilson Metcalfe drove along. Ern took Mabel & I for a drive. It is a grandilorious night.
Sunday, August 5:
A nice day. Mabel Stuart called for me and we went to Sunday School and Church. In the kvening Mother, Father & Ida drove over to Daunt's. Ern Webb drove down to Daunt's and he & I went for a long drive. We went up to Bruce and then down through Glamis. I came home tonight. |

Pinkerton "Main Street' circa 1910
Monday, August 6:
A shower of rain in the morning, Alma Reid & I walked down to Pinkerton tonight and back again.
Tuesday, August 7:
A nice day with a few showers of rain. Mother & Auntie drove up to Bell's this afternoon. I was keeping house and baking bread. Fan wheeled over tonight. Alma & I went over a piece of the way home with her. We met Bill Roumey and we came home with him.
Wednesday, August 8:
A hot day. Bill & Ida drove over to Geordie's this morning.
Thursday, August 9:
A hot day with rain in the evening. Rheta McIntyre & Alma Reid came up this evening. Sam & I were going either to a dance at Butcher's or a gathering at Howard Hettrick's. It rained pretty near all night so we had to stay at home from both places. Sam drove to Pinkerton and when he came back he walked home with Alma & Rheta. Geordie Sawyer was cutting Sam's oats and was here for dinner and supper.
Friday, August 10:
A dark rainy morning. Mother & Bill drove to Cargill. Rheta & Alma came up this evening and I went to Pinkerton with them. Rheta came up with me and stayed all night.
Saturday, August 11:
A nice day. Rheta was here all day. Sam went to Paisley this afternoon. Alma came this afternoon and took Rheta to their place. Mabel & Joe Stuart & Fan called for me tonight and we went down to Pinkerton. Joe walked home with me and Sam drove Fan & Mabel home. We had a very good time. We stayed out under the plum trees until after twelve o'clock. Mabel Stuart stayed here all night.
Sunday, August 12:
A very nice day. Mabel & I got up about nine o'clock. We walked to Sunday School. We were just a little late. Ern Webb came up from morning church. Mabel, Fan & I walked to English Church. Ella Cruikshanks came up from English Church with us. Ern & Sam went away for a wheel. Joe Stuart came in this afternoon. Sam & Err came back after supper and we all walked down to night church. I laughed a little bit in church. Ella & Mabel got a ride home with Jack Groves & B. Stuart. Joe Stuartt walked home with Fan. Ern Webb walked home with me. Daunt & Lou were at our place when we came from night church. |
Monday, August 13:
A nice day. Bess & Jack Sawyer came over this morning and Bess & I drove to Cargill. Mrs. Jack Armstrong left Cora Annie Armstrong here while she walked to Pinkerton and then came back and stayed for tea. Sam went to Pinkerton tonight. Herb McIntyre came up this evening. Fan got a ride over from Mc:Kee's with him. Herb stayed at our place for a while and then Sam, Herb, Fan & I drove over to Uncle Adam's, it was near twelve o'clock when we got home.
Tuesday, August 14:
A hot day. Sam took Lila over to McKee's early this morning and brought Fan back with him. Fan, Sam & I drove to Walkerton. We had dinner at the Central Hotel. We got our pictures taken after dinner. We got home in time for supper. When we got home Mr. Davidson (the lad that sells views.) & Lenny Reilly were at our place. They stayed for tea. Mr. Davidson stayed all night. I walked as far as Uncle Adam's with Fan when she was going home. It was after ten when I got to bed.
Wednesday, August 15:
A nice day and a lovely evening. Ern & Scott Webb were here in the evening to take Sam's driver "Billy" away. Ern has bought him. Lila went over to call for Bell Pitcher and they walked over to Sandy McKee's to a party. Sam & I drove over. I had an excellent time. I got home about a quarter after three. Ern Webb drove me home with his new driver.
Thursday, August 16:
A nice day. We were very busy all day. Jach & Beck & Lily Shafer came to our place this evening. They stayed till after eleven. Bess was over all day. Geordie drove over for her in the evening. Auntie & Annie May McMillan were up this evening. Fan walked over this evening.
Friday, August 17:
A nice morning. We were all up early this morning. Sam left for the West this morning. Will drove him to the station. Wes Caswell, Jack Chick, Jim Bell & others left for the West this morning. I walker over to Geordie's this morning and Bess & I went all through their bush looking for thimble-berries and then went across to John McKee's. Mrs. Sturgeon went with us to J. McKee's. We did not get very many. Bess & I walked over to our place this afternoon. Jack Rouney was here this afternoon. We finished the harvest today. Bess got a ride home with Jack. I was very tired tonight.
Saturday, August 18:
A hot day. It is very lonesome today without Sam. Ethel Pinkerton & Jessie Murray were up today for cream for the ice-cream tonight.
Sunday, August 19:
A very hot day. Lila & I walked to Sunday School. I went to Watson's from church, Mabel, Allie & Lizzie Watson & myself walked to nightt church. Ern Webb drove me home. We went to Purdy's corner for a drive. |
Monday, August 20:
A hot day, This is Lila's birthday. She is fourteen. Lila, Ida & I were over to Uncle Adam's tonight. Belle Pitcher is learning me to waltz. I am getting along not too bad.
Tuesday, August 21:
A nice day. Belle Pitcher & Alma Reid came up this evening. I was trying to waltz again. There was a wreck on the train down behind the school-house near the twelfth of Brant. Three men were injured. Tom Richardson's had a paring bee & party. I was not invited.
Wednesday, August 22:
A very hot day. Mrs. McKee called for me and I went over to the fourteenth. I got out of the buggy at McKee's gate and walked down to Geordie's. After supper I came to Sandy McKee's and Fan & I walked over to J. McKee's. Ern Webb, Wilson Metcalfe, Belle Pitcher & Alma Reid were there. We were all trying very hard to waltz. Alma, Belle & I walked home at night. Fan & Vina came a piece of the way with us. I stayed at Uncle Adam's all night.
Thursday, August 23:
A hot day with a slight shower of rain. I came home at eleven o'clock. Mother & Father were away picking berries when I got home. I went back after dinner to Uncle Adam's. Belle & I waltz the most of the time. Alma & I walked to Pinkerton. When we got home Fan was at our place. Ern Webb called for her at night.
Friday, August 24:
A nice day. Lila & I walked down to Guild. We had a good time coming home. Aunt Fanny from Grand Rapids, Michigan, & Irene. Charles & Richard Gould came on the afternoon train. Father met them at the station. We went down to the school and got our pictures taken.
Saturday, August 25:,
A hot day. Irene & Ida walked over to Geordie's this afternoon, Aunt Fanny & I walked to Pinkerton this afternoon. We went down to the river. Geordie, Bess & Jack Sawyer and Fan and Alma & Belle were here this evening.
Sunday, August 26:
A nice forenoon but rainy afternoon and evening. Ern Webb, Fan came over in the morning and called for me and we went down to Jack's. Mr. & Mrs. Butcher & Nettie, Mrs. & Miss MacDonald & baby came in the forenoon. Andy & Bill Alexander came in the evening.,Ern, Fan & I drove out to Pinkerton church. Ern drove Fan home and then me. It rained very hard after Ern left so I expect he would get wet. |
Monday, August 27:
A cold day. Lou came over this morning. Bess came over this afternoon. Irene & I went down this afternoon to get our pictures taken with the school. Lou & Bess went home this evening. Daunt was over this evening.
Tuesday, August 28:
A nice cool day. Auntie Effie & Annie May were over this morning. Mother, Aunt Fanny, Dick & Charles drove over to Geordie's this forenoon. Irene & I walked down to Pinkerton this afternoon. Richard Donnelly came up this afternoon to tell me to go down again to get our school picture taken. The picture taken the day before was spoiled. Mr. Fraser drove up for me. Father drove over to Geordie's for the folks tonight Irene, Lila, Ida & I went over to Uncle Adam's tonight. We had a grand time. Belle & I were waltzing. 1 recited the Curfew Bell for Belle.
Wednesday, August 29:
A nice cool morning. Aunt Fanny & Charles walked to Pinkerton this morning. Belle Pitcher, Ern & Melville Reid were up this evening. Fan was also over. I went over to McKee's bush with Fan. I am very tired tonight. Lila & Irene wentt to Jack's,
Thursday, August 30:
A nice day. Aunt Fanny, Mother, Father, Charles & Dick drove over to Metcalfe`s. Ida & I kept house. Lou & Daunt came back with them in the evening, Bill, Fan & I went to a party at Jack Wilson's. I was not struck on the crowd that was there or the time. Ern Webb & I ate lunch together. Ern walked home with me.
Friday, August 31:
Cool day. Mother, Father, Aunt Fanny, Charles & Dick drove down to Jack's, Ida & I were keeping house all day. We called forAlma & Belle and went down to school. It was Mr. Sanderson' s last day at school. He was presented with a gold headed cane. Maggie Johnston read the address and Alma presented the cane. Mr. Sanderson felt very bad and so did rest of us. Belle Pitcher & I walked down to Pinkerton & Belle came up to our place for supper. There was just Bell, Ida & I for supper. We went to Guild tonight.. Alma came with us. I read a paper tonight.. We walked home again. It was very cold. Maggie Desmond and her mother, Daunt & Lou, Bess & Drdie & Jack Sawyer & Fan, Auntie & Uncle Adam, & Aunt Fanny & the children were at our place when we got home.
Saturday, September, 1:
Nice day. Auntie Fanny & Father drove up to Aunt Fanny's birthplace this farenoon. Bill took Aunt Fanny's trunk to the station and Father took her & the children. They are going to stay in Berlin over Sunday and then they are going to Grand Rapids.
Sunday, September 9:
A hot day. Fan walked over from McKee's and Fan & I walked down to church. Fan went with Ella Cruikshanks from church and I went with Katie & Willie. Katie & I were over at Alex Russell's for a little while this afternoon. After tea Bill Stuart and Ella & Fan drove down to Cruikshanks. Ern Webb & Wilson Metcalfe called for Katie & I and the four of us went to the Presbyterian Church in Glammis. Ern & I drove to the sixteenth corner after church and back again. It is a highspifiglorious night although it is warm.
Monday, September 10:
A very warm day. We put out a big washing today.
Tuesday, September 11:
A nice day. Bess & Jack Sawyer were over today. Jack stayed all night. Alma Reid was up this evening.
Wenesday, September 12:
Bess came over this morning and went back this afternoon. I walked over to Geordie's this evening and stayed all night. I had the toothache all night.
Thursday, September 13:
A cool wind. Bess & Jack Sawyer and I drove over home and Bess & I drove to Cargill. I have still got the toothache. I put Laudnum in my tooth and went to sleep and had a good sleep and when I woke up I had no toothache.
Friday, September 14:
A nice day. I walked down to Pinkerton this afternoon. Mother & Bess drove down to Jack's. Lila & I wentt to Guild. Alma and I went down to the store and we were late for Guild. We laughed nearly all the time in Guild. I read a paper tonight. We walked home with Mr. Scott.
Saturday, September 15:
A nice day. Lila went over to Geordie's.
Sunday, September 16:
A nice day. We walked to Sunday School. Fan came over in the afternoon. Our folks were out at Reid's in Dunkeld and Lila & I are keeping house. Lila & I were over to Uncle Adam's for a little while. Fan called for me to go to church. We walked down & Nelson Flett walked home with Fan & Ern Webb with me.
Monday, September 17:
A very hot day. I wheeled over to Geordie's this forenoon. Mrs. Sawyer & Frank were here this afternoon & Mrs. Sturgeon, Geordie Mateer & Clary Mateer were here this evening. I feel very tired this evening.
Tuesday, September 18:
A hot day. Begg's threshing machine came to Geordie's this forenoon. Mrs. Sawyer and Frank came over this morning. The threshers were here for dinner and supper. I was over to Sturgeon's for a few minutes this afternoon. Mrs. Sturgeon, Lila Mateer & Jack Sawyer came back with me. The threshing machine went to Sturgeon's tonight. I wheeled over to Sturgeon's tonight for a few minutes.
Wednesday, September 19:
A hot day. Mrs. Sawyer and Frank went over to Sturgeon's this morning . Bess & Jack Sawyer & I drove to Jim Keyes and then over home. Bess then drove to Pinkerton. She was back at our place for dinner. Bess & Jack went home tonight. I walked down to Pinkerton for the mail.
Thursday, September 20:
A nice forenoon but rainy afternoon. Alama Reid was here this morning. Mother, Bess & Jack Sawyer drove over to Metcalfe's this moring. This is the night of Guild but as it is raining we did not go.
Friday, September 21:
A highspifiglorious day. This is Pinkerton Fair. I walked down to the Fair about half past two o'clock. The Fair was not as successful as other years. Kate Cruikshanks amd I chummed together. Ern Webb & Wilson Metcalfe were with Kate & I for a while and then we went to Cassidy's for supper. We went up to Sam Garland's gate for a walk and before the concert we went to Uncle Sam's gate for a drive. We went to the concert and the four of us sat in the front seat. The concert was very good. Ern drove me home after the concert.
Saturday, September 22:
A rainy day. Melville Reid was here this morning. Uncle Adam was here for dinner. After dinner Father and him went to the cider mill. I walked down to Pinkerton this afternoon and down to Sam Garland's this evening.
This is the end of the first Diary.
Start of Diary number Two
Sunday, September 23, 1906:
A cold day. Lila, Ida & I walked to Sunday School. Fan & I went over to Uncle Adam's this afternoon and stayed for tea. Alma, Fan & I went to church. Ern Webb missed me at the church and the three of us started off walking. Ern passed up and down a couple of times before he knew us. Willie Cruikshanks & Fred McKee walked up with us until Ern caught up and I went with Ern.
Monday, September 24:
A cold day. Bess & Jack Sawyer came over this morning. Vina McKee wheeled over this afternoon and we walked down to Pinkerton. Wilson Metcalfe was here this evening.
Tuesday, September 25:
A cold wind all day. I walked over to Sandy McKee's this morning to get the wheel and then I wheeled up to Metcalfe's. I stayed there all night.
Wednesday, September 26:
A rainy day. I wheeled home this morning. Mother & Father went to Paisley Fair. Ern Webb called for me at half past five and we drove to the concert in Paisley. Wilson & Katie also drove to the concert, It was the same as in Pinkerton Fair night. It was a highspifiglorious night..
Thursday, September 27:
A cool day. Mother was over at Uncle Adam's this forenoon. Alma called for Lila & I, and we walked down to Guild. This is the night. we got first prize. I got first prize for my laugh. We laughed quite a bit in Guild.
Friday, September 28:
A nice day. Father went down to Jack's. Mother and Aunty went to Geordie's. I wheeled over to Metcalfe's this evening. Wilson Metcalfe was up there for a few minutes. This is his birthday. Lou, Daunt & I went to Prayer Meeting in Purdy's Church.
Saturday, September 29:
A rainy day. Tapir Stuart called this morning for a few minutes.
Sunday, September 30:
A clear cold day. Daunt, Lou & I went to Sunday School and Church. Daunt & Lou stayed in for Class and I came home after church. I wheeled to Uncle Adam's in the evening and had my supper there Alma & I went over home and Alma, Lila & I walked to Pinkerton church. We were laughing in church. Ern Webb drove me home. We went up past Mutrie's for a drive. It is a bright night.